Victor Xiong
Western Michigan University
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5334 USA

T & R: 10:45--12:00
- Ph.D., History, Australian National University, 1989
- Six Dynasties and Sui-Tang China (urban, socioeconomic, cultural)
- Chinease historiography (ancient and medieval)
- Historical fiction of China
Dr. Xiong received the Distinguished Faculty Scholar Award in 2017. Prior to joining WMU, Dr. Xiong taught courses in Traditional China; Asia Civilization (premodern China); and Readings in Chinese History at University of Iowa in fall 1987.At WMU Dr. Xiong has taught courses in Early Medieval China; World History to 1500; Traditional China, Survey of Chinese Arts; Modern China; Modern Japan; Modern East Asia; Urban History of Premodern China (graduate seminar); Sui-Tang Empire; World History before 1500; World History since 1500; and Modern Western World.Dr. Xiong was featured in the documentary “Man Made Marvels: China’s Forgotten City,” coproduced by Natural History New Zealand and the Discovery Channel, premiered in December 2009.
Publications (Books)
- Routledge Handbook of Imperial Chinese History, ed.
co-editor. London: Routledge, 2018. 376 pp.
From Peasant to Emperor: The Life of Liu Bang Airiti Press, 2018. 16+278 pp.
- Heavenly Khan 天可汗 in Chinese
(Li Shimin). Airiti Press, 2014, 5+260 pp.
- Historical Dictionary of Medieval China (revised enlarged edition) vols. 1–2, enlarged and revised edition. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017, 114+892 pp
- Heavenly Khan (Li Shimin). Airiti Press, 2014, 5+260 pp.
- Capital Cities and Urban Form in Pre-modern China: Luoyang, 1038 BCE to 938 CE London: Routledge, 2016, 304 pp.
A Thorough Exploration in Historiography (Shitong 史通) by Liu Zhiji劉知幾 (661–721). Annotated translation with an introduction. Seattle, Wash.: University of Washing Press (approx. 330,000 words) (forthcoming).
Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty: His Life, Times, and Legacy Albany, N. Y.: SUNY Press. 2006. Hardback and paperback editions. 13+357 pp.
Sui-Tang Chang’an (583–904): A Study in the Urban History of Medieval China. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan, 2000. Distributed by University of Michigan Press. 44 + 370 pp., 21 maps, 31 figures (monograph).
In Chinese:
- Buyi huangdi Liu Bang 布衣皇帝 劉邦 (Commoner emperor Liu Bang). Beijing: Huawen Press 華文出版社, 2019 (forthcoming).
- Tian Kehan:Tang Taizong Li Shimin 天可汗:唐太宗李世民(Chinese translation of Heavenly Khan). Trans. by Huang
- Sui Yangdi de shenghuo shidai he yichan 隋煬帝的生活、時代和遺產 (Chinese translation of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty: His Life, Times, and Legacy). Trans. by Huang Weiwei 黃維瑋; ed. by Mao Lei 毛蕾. Xiamen University Press, 2018.
- Yiguan canlan—Zhongguo gudai fushi jianshi 衣冠燦爛: 中國古代服飾史 (A brief history of dress in premodern China). Co-author (with Zhao Chao 趙超). Chengdu: Sichuan jiaoyu chubanshe, 1996. 203 pp.
- Sanguo zhi 三國志 (Treatises on the Three Kingdoms) by Chen Shou 陳壽 (d. A.D. 297). Co-translator (with Zhao Chao) of selected chapters from literary Chinese into modern Chinese. In Wu Shuping 吳樹平, ed., Ershiwu shi jingxuan jingyi 二十五史精選精譯, vol. 2. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1995, 1037–1331 (292 pp.).