Study Abroad in Central Europe


Dr. James Palmitessa, associate professor and director of graduate studies in the Department of History at Western Michigan University will offer a faculty-led study-abroad course in summer I, 2017 to Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic. The course is open to undergraduate students of all majors and master’s-level students.

In addition to visiting sites of historical and cultural importance, accompanied by presentations by the instructor and visiting faculty, students will participate in sessions of a course at the University of Passau with German students (in English) and discussions and Q & A sessions at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe in Vienna and at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in Prague. Students earn three history credits. The course is approved as GER 3220: German Life and Culture, a required course for all German majors and minors.

In addition to funding administered through the Diether H. Haenicke Institute of Global Education, students may apply for fellowships from their home colleges (e.g. Study-Abroad Fellowships through the College of Arts and Sciences). History majors may apply for an Emeriti Fellowship and funding support from the Peter Schmitt Endowment for Experiential Learning. 

For more information, please contact Dr. Palmitessa.