Central Office Student Assistant

This position requires working around other staff and students. Precautions are in place to limit risk. You will be required to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as masks and use hand sanitizer. You will be required to clean down your area before and after each shift with supplies provided. We want you to be aware of the nature of this job's interaction with others as you consider applying for the position.

Campus information


Note: By clicking "Submit" I certify that all the information disclosed on my application is true and accurate and that any misrepresentation of facts may constitute cause for non-appointment or dismissal. I understand that as a condition of this application, my GPA and conduct records may be reviewed, and all past or current supervisors or Residence Life staff members may be contacted and any of that information may affect whether I am hired or not. I understand that employment at the University may be conditional upon review of my criminal conviction records. I authorize the University to request and obtain, through the Michigan State Police and any other relevant law enforcement agencies, an investigation and report to determine the accuracy of my above answers about a prior criminal conviction.