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G.W. and Edna M. Haworth Principled Leadership Scholarship

About the Award

The purpose of this $800,000 scholarship is to recognize and reward outstanding Western Michigan University leadership and business strategy students who lead with values and who, after graduating, plan to lead with values in their profession, business or vocation to improve the lives of customers, their community and society as a whole.

  • Six scholarships will be given annually.
  • Each of the six scholarships awarded will be approximately $6,000.
  • Three scholarships will be given out at the end of the fall semester of each academic year, and three will be given out at the end of the spring semester of each academic year. Scholarships cannot be renewed.


  • Current leadership and business strategy co-majors.
  • Minimum GPA of 3.5 at the time of application and must maintain status as a full-time business student with a minimum GPA of 3.2 after junior year.
  • Must have completed the Experiential Leadership course (as of 2019, MGMT 4010, though subject to change).  
  • Students are only eligible if they complete the core leadership and business strategy class at minimum one semester prior to the last semester before graduation. 

Application and Selection Process

  • Write a 500-word essay providing evidence of how you are leading teams with values and what your plans are for how you will lead with values in business to improve the lives of customers, community and society as a whole.
  • At least one letter of recommendation from a member of their team in the Experiential Leadership courses describing how the nominee led with values.
  • Students who apply must be enrolled in Experiential Leadership course (MGMT 4010 though subject to change).
  • Recipients will be selected by leadership and business strategy faculty teaching the above mentioned courses each fall and spring semester.
