W Magazine

Fall/Winter 2020-21

A photo of Tasia Richardson.

It's time to Rethink Smart

WMU excels at helping students find a deeper meaning and a better way of thinking. We call it Rethink Smart. We're proud to prepare students for a life well-lived by helping them to pursue, thrive and prosper in their everyday living.

University News

  • A person with "stop racism" written on their outstretched palms.

    Mountaintop Initiatives is a new $2 million investment to advance the University's charge toward racial justice. In addition, the newly formed Racial Justice Advisory Committee will lead efforts to address systemic racism and racial inequities on campus and identify actions to build a campuswide culture of change.

A photo of WMU President Edward Montgomery.

Let's expand what it means to be smart

WMU is building on the strengths of what college contributes to the student’s experience—a strong academic base at a dynamic research university and all the best aspects of a residential college experience. What we are offering in addition to those attributes is the promise of giving students the space to find out about themselves, what drives them to get out of bed every day, to do more than what’s required and to push beyond what they thought was possible in pursuing their futures.

President Edward Montgomery, Ph.D.

  • A photo of Tasia Richardson

    Mogul in the making

    Smart is identifying a need, figuring out how to fill it yourself and then turning it into a burgeoning business—while still balancing school and a full-time job.

    Explore Tasia's tenacity

  • A photo of Garrett Bazany

    Purpose-filled pursuit

    Smart is putting passion over a paycheck to pursue a higher goal, seeing challenges as opportunities rather than roadblocks.

    Discover Garrett's prescription for success

  • A photo of Daniel Gayden holding his drumsticks in front of his drum kit.

    A vessel for justice

    Smart is the percussive pursuit of purpose that drums the beat for others to march to. It's digging deep when you feel lost and finding strength in your own story.

    Learn about Daniel's drive

Ahead of the curve

  • A photo of Drs. Doug Lepisto and Derrick McIver.

    The Center for Principled Leadership and Business Strategy is providing immersive learning experiences at the undergraduate and graduate levels that blur the lines between education and professional business experience, connecting WMU with the West Michigan business community.

  • Students place their cell phones in an AvaUV Cube device at Valley Dining Center.

    Tekna, a global product development firm founded by a WMU alum, partnered with the University to pilot new technology that uses UVC light to disinfect personal items and equipment. It's an added layer of protection as Western works to mitigate spread of COVID-19.

Expert Insights

  • A laptop computer sits on an overturned laundry basket in a living room.

    While shortening the morning commute, the pandemic push to work remotely left many of us scrambling to improvise a home office setup. Dr. Debra Lindstrom, a professor of occupational therapy who specializes in ergonomics, offers advice on how to avoid injuries and create a comfortable workspace when professional office equipment isn't available.

Laura Frantz works with a student.

So That All May Learn

Dr. Selena Protacio received a COVID-19 Response Grant to fund a study focused on bridging the technology gap between English learners in rural areas and their teachers.

Alumni Profile

  • A photograph of Erin Beal.

    Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder as an adult, Erin Beal is now on a mission to help others with ASD reach their own potential. She opened the Autism and Wellness Center of Southwest Michigan to help individuals with ASD achieve a greater sense of well-being.

Buster Bronco bumps the fist of a man during the parade.

Bronco Pride

While the pandemic delayed the start of football, the WMU Alumni Association re-imagined homecoming week with a nod to past traditions: a campus car parade.