Course Grade Appeals


  • Course grade appeals or other concerns or complaints based on charges of discrimination or sexual harassment should be taken to the Office of Institutional Equity, pursuant to other University policies and procedures.
  • A course grade appeal cannot be made in response to a final course grade penalty assigned as a result of an official finding of responsibility for academic integrity violations. Such a finding will have been made through the procedures provided in the academic integrity policy.

The Course Grade Appeal applies when a Western Michigan University student wants to appeal a final grade that has been recorded by the Registrar on the student’s academic record. This process is facilitated by the Office of the University Ombuds - students should call (269) 387-0718 or email to consult with the Ombuds to begin the process. Specific criteria must exist to engage in the Course Grade Appeal process.  One of the following must be demonstrated:

  1. Grades were calculated in a manner inconsistent with University policy, the syllabus, or changes to the syllabus.
  2. The grade or grades was or were erroneously calculated.
  3. Grading or performance standards were arbitrarily or unequally applied.
  4. The instructor failed to assign or remove an Incomplete or to initiate a grade change as agreed upon with the student.

The required steps for the Course Grade Appeal process are as follows:

  1. Request a meeting with the instructor: A student is encouraged to begin the appeal process by requesting a meeting with the instructor who assigned the grade. Such meetings may help students to understand the grading practices of instructors and might lead to resolution of differences over grades.
  2. Meeting with the department chair or program director: If a student did not receive the desired outcome regarding their final course grade from the instructor, they may submit an email requesting a meeting with the relevant department chair or program director. This email must be received by the department chair or program director within 20 business days* of the last day of the semester or session in which the grade was recorded on a student’s record. The Ombuds may grant an extension should a genuine hardship arise. The email must identify the criteria for the appeal and must state in detail why the student believes that the grade should be changed. While a chair or director may not change any grade without permission of the instructor, the chair or director may serve as an intermediary to help the student and instructor reach an outcome that is agreeable to them both.  Following a meeting with the student, the chair or director must respond with an email to the student and copy to both the instructor and the Office of the University Ombuds within 20 business days*. In this email, the chair or director should confirm the meeting with the student, recap their discussion, and state whether the student was satisfied with the meeting outcome or would like their appeal to proceed to committee. The chair or director cannot change the student’s grade without the instructor’s agreement.
  3. Appeal to committee: After the chair or director has completed the response to the student’s appeal, and if an outcome agreeable to the student was not achieved, the student may appeal to the Grade Appeal and Program Dismissal Appeal Committee (GAPDAC). This appeal must be initiated within 20 business days * of the completion of step 2. The student will initiate an appeal through the Office of the University Ombuds. The student will be asked to complete the online Course Grade and Program Dismissal Appeal Form and Course Grade Student Information Form.  The instructor will be asked to fill out the online Course Grade Instructor Information Form.  Both parties will also be asked to provide evidence to support their position. Once these forms and evidence have been received, the Ombuds will schedule a meeting of the GAPDAC using procedures determined by the Professional Concerns Committee of the Faculty Senate to hear statements from both parties, review evidence, ask questions and render a decision regarding the appeal.  The student and the instructor will appear before the committee separately and will not have access to the other's real-time statement or submitted evidence. The Grade Appeal and Program Dismissal Appeal Committee will consist of at least three members drawn from a panel of faculty established for this purpose. The Grade Appeal and Program Dismissal Appeal Committee can effectuate a grade change by majority vote. 

    The decision of the hearing panel is final and not subject to appeal.

Instructor unavailable to assign grade

Circumstances may arise that prevent an instructor from assigning a grade in a timely manner. In such instances, the department chair or program director will make reasonable efforts to contact and ask the instructor to supply a grade. If these efforts are unsuccessful, the instructor’s department chair or program director will appoint another qualified faculty member to assign the grade.

* The calculation of business days does not include WMU weekday closure for holidays or inclement weather events.