Formal Student Complaint Form
Western Michigan University is committed to your success and happiness as a Bronco. The formal complaint process exists to assist you with directing any complaints, concerns or problems related to WMU that you may encounter as a student. Formal complaints received by the Office of the University Ombuds are directed to the appropriate recipients at the administrative level who will conduct a "top down" investigation of a shareholder's complaint. The University tracks, monitors and evaluates the student complaint process in order to make institutional improvements where needed. Pursuant to HLC Policy number FDCR.A.10.030, the University must “make available an account of the student complaints it has received, its processing of those complaints and how that processing comports with the institution’s policies and procedures on the handling of grievances or complaints.”
Before filing a formal complaint, please consider the following:
Students are encouraged to attempt to resolve issues and concerns directly with the faculty, staff member, department or other unit directly before filing a formal complaint.
Review WMU's official definition of a complaint before proceeding:
"Any concern that WMU has violated a law, policy or incorrectly applied an established practice. Complaints may be academic or non-academic in nature. Complaints do not supersede or replace misconduct or grievance procedures already in place."
Next, please review the following list of specific reporting processes to ensure they are not the more appropriate channel to address your concern. If the following do not apply to your complaint or concern, please proceed to the online formal complaint form found at the bottom of this page:
- For instances of protected class discrimination, harassment (including sexual misconduct) or retaliation, use the Office of Institutional Equity's incident reporting form. This page also houses the ADA Accommodation request form.
- Course Grade Appeal process
- Hardship Withdrawal Appeal process
- Non-attendance Appeal process
- Program Dismissal Appeal process
- Use Bronco Fix-It to request repairs from maintenance, custodial or landscaping services.
- To request assistance with technology-related issues, use the Help Desk's Online Support link .You may also contact the OIT Help Desk at (269) 387-4357.
- Late add fee appeal process
- Satisfactory academic progress appeal process
- Tuition charge refund appeal process
- Issues related to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) should be directed to the Registrar’s Office
- Issues related to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) should be directed to the HIPAA Privacy and Contact Officer
- Issues regarding research misconduct should be directed to the Office of the Vice President for Research
- Issues related to the NCAA, MAC, other athletic conference or other athletic matters should be directed to the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics
- Issues related to work related safety and environmental concerns on campus should be directed to the Environmental Safety and Emergency Management Office.
- Issues related to Public Safety Officers should be directed to the DPS Oversight Committee
- Issues of suspected unethical financial related activity or fraud may anonymously be directed to
If any of the above resources do not address your complaint or concern, please complete the form below to submit a complaint.
Submit a Complaint
Any student may file an anonymous complaint without disclosing their name, identifying the parties involved, or requesting any action. An anonymous submission of a complaint may limit the University’s ability to respond or take further action and will be taken as a "report only" complaint.