Finals Week Survival Bags

For the third year in a row the PSSO Board hand-decorated 500 paper "lunch" bags and collected donations from generous patrons both on and off campus. PSSO members stuffed the bags with all the goodies after work on December 5th. On MondayDecember 9th, the bags were handed out by the PSSO board and Provost Greene in the Bernhard Center.

As always, the students were grateful for the candy, eye drops, coupons, lanyards, etc., and for the colorful messages on the bags. One student said, "That's right!" as he held up a bag that said, "Study, Pass Exams, Sleep." The bags go quickly with so many students gathering in, or walking through the Bernhard Center. By 12:30, all the bags were gone, the boxes broken down and recycled and the Distribution Crew went on their way back to their offices. Another successful start to Final Exam Week.


 Tracie Sherburn, Kris Kenz, Dr. Tim Greene, Paige Warner, Carol Morris-Meir