Pathways to Science Teaching

  • Pathways to Science Teaching - Learn

  • Pathways to Science Teaching - Practice

  • Pathways to Science Teaching - Think

  • Pathways to Science Teaching - Teach

What is Pathways to Science Teaching?

Welcome! (click here for an informational video!) 

Pathways is an exciting, paid summer opportunity for undergraduate students who are considering science teaching as a possible career. This 10-week summer immersion program is built around the idea that the best science teachers have experience both in scientific research and in teaching. Funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation (GEO-1701007), we will support eight students/year from Western Michigan University, Lake Michigan College and Kalamazoo Valley Community College to participate in the program. Students will earn $5,000 for completing the program, which includes:

  • Learn science: Learn about local environmental issues such as water quality and human impacts on the environment.
  • Practice science: Work with a team of students and WMU faculty to design and complete an environmental science research study.
  • Think science: Practice laboratory techniques and data analysis and interpretation.
  • Teach science: Work with master teacher mentors to plan and teach environmental science lessons to elementary and middle school kids in WMU and local summer camps. 

Please see our schedule for more details.

Who can apply?

Undergraduate students who are at least 18 years old and enrolled at WMU, Lake Michigan College, or Kalamazoo Valley Community College are encouraged to apply.

Applicants must have:

  • A minimum GPA of 2.5
  • Completed two college-level science courses.

A demonstrable interest in a career that involves teaching or communicating science is preferred.

Women and students are color are especially encouraged to apply to this program.

When and where does Pathways take place?

The summer program runs from May 8 to July 24, 2020. It will be held on Western Michigan University’s main campus in Kalamazoo, Michigan. We will meet daily from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Participation requires a commitment for the full 10-week, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. program.

How will this program help me?

  • Earn $5,000 for completing the full 10-week fellowship.
  • Gain resume-building experience in outdoor and laboratory science research and in teaching that will help you find a science teaching job or apply for graduate school.
  • Earn independent study credit for participation (if needed for your program of study; contact us for details).
  • Meet and network with other students who share your interests in teaching science.

How and when do I apply?

Applications will be accepted starting Nov. 15, 2019 and continue until Feb. 15, 2020 or until all spaces are full.

To apply, do the following:

  1. Download the application form.
  2. Complete the form and assemble the required documents:
    1. An up-to-date unofficial transcript from your college or university
    2. A personal statement (maximum two pages, single spaced, 12 point font, one inch margins) that clearly explains why you are applying to the Science Pathways program, what you hope to gain from this program, and how this fellowship will make a positive impact on your future career.
  3. Email the application form, transcript, and personal statement as a single PDF file to no later than February 15th. Include your first initial, last name, and Science Pathways Application in the subject line (example: BBronco Science Pathways Application).
  4. Arrange for two letters of support to be sent separately to no later than February 15th. One of your reference letters must be from a teacher (for example, a WMU or other college professor, or a high school teacher); the second can be either from a teacher or from an employer. Each 1 to 2 page reference letter should address:
    1. In what way, and for how long, your reference has known you.
    2. Your experience and/or potential for engaging in scientific research.
    3. Your experience and/or potential for teaching children.
    4. Your personal characteristics, such as how well you work in a team, how you respond to feedback, how you adapt to challenges, etc.

Decisions will be sent no later than March 15, 2020.

Any further Questions?

Please contact us at

Logo of the National Science Foundation, WMU and Lake Michigan college