Elena Gapova
Western Michigan University
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5257 USA

- Social Inequality, Sociology of Gender, Sociological Theory
- Sociology of Cyberspace, Social Movements
- Gender, class and nation in post-socialism
- Gender and Nation in East/Central Europe
- Gender, class, nation building and intellectuals in post-socialism
- The social impact of the internet
- Russian/Belarusian culture and society
Dr. Elena Gapova is a professor in the Department of Sociology at Western Michigan University. Previously: Founding Director, Centre for Gender Studies, European Humanities University.
Publications: https://wmich.academia.edu/ElenaGapova
Advising/Consultancy/Service to the Profession:
Member, Editorial Board, The Slavic Review. Interdisciplinary Quarterly of Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies.
Member, International Editorial Board, Signs. The Journal of Women in Culture and Society.
Member, Editorial Board, Aspasia. International Yearbook of Central, Eastern and Southeastern European Women's and Gender History.
Editor, The Bridge-MOCT, electronic Newsletter of the International Association for Humanities. (http://thebridge-moct.org/)
Consultancy and advising for UN Development Program; CARTI (Central Asian Research and Teaching Initiative); American Council for Learned Societies; Institute for Contemporary History (Potsdam, Germany).
Professional Memberships: ASA Section on Culture Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES). Michigan Sociological Association. International Association for Humanities (IAH). North-American Association for Belarusian Studies (NAABS). Association for Women in Slavic Studies (AWSS). Research Associate, CREES, University of Michigan.
Awards and Honors: 2013 Outstanding Achievement Award, Association for Women in Slavic Studies.