My Sociology training enabled me to get a position that I really like soon after graduating. I work as an Administrative Assistant in the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects at the University of Michigan. My Sociology training helped me to develop the attention to detail, effective communication, problem solving, and critical thinking skills that enable me to succeed in the detail oriented, team environment of my job. I’m so grateful for the amazing support, guidance, and opportunities that my Sociology professors provided me with!
My passion for sociology is what led me to clinical social work. My training in sociology is instrumental in understanding the systematic and structural roots of what impacts the welfare of the patients I work with. My lens is able to encompass more than just the medical model; I am able to see the person in the context of their socialization and environment. Studies in medical sociology have helped me take a critical lens to how healthcare as an institution has negatively impacted people of marginalized identities. The research skills training provided by the program has helped prepare me for research in a clinical setting. I love what I do, and I feel like I use my sociological imagination every day.

Faculty awarded prestigious Fulbright fellowships for global research and teaching opportunities

The Vital Role of Therapy Dogs: A Conversation with Dr. Angie Moe

Exemplars of engaging education honored with Distinguished Teaching Award

State lauds success of Western Michigan University's Cold Case Program with major financial investment

Therapy Dog Clinic awarded grant