Fraternity & Sorority Life Graduate Assistant

The successful Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) Graduate Assistant will assist in providing leadership in the Fraternity and Sorority Community. They will: intentionally and collaboratively maintain positive environments, enhance student learning and development, gain competency in diversity and multiculturalism, and manage processes that are supportive of the mission of The Office of Student Engagement and Western Michigan University.


Support the Assistant Director in the following ways: 

  • Co-advise the College Panhellenic Council, Interfraternity Council, Multicultural Greek Council, and the National Pan-Hellenic Council in all endeavors and activities to promote learning, values congruence, risk management, and personal and organizational development.
  • Co-advise the planning committees for Greek programs: Greek 101, CPC Recruitment, NPHC Marchdown, etc.
  • Attend regular council meetings and coordinate meetings with council leadership.
  • Assist with chapter leadership support as needed. 
  • Assist with Fraternity and Sorority judicial matters as needed.
  • Assist with the planning and implementation of the annual Fraternity and Sorority Life curriculum including officer training and transition programs, chapter advisor in-service programs, and Fraternity and Sorority Community-wide leadership programs.
  • Assist with recruitment and intake efforts when appropriate.
  • Complete and compile statistics, semester grade reports, and other community data as assigned.
  • Research best practices in leadership and organizational development.
  • Orient chapter officers to services available at the university.
  • Attend Association of Fraternity Advisors Annual Meeting and other FSL conferences as needed.
  • Perform other duties as assigned to support Fraternity & Sorority Life and other Office of Student Engagement programmatic efforts (e.g. All Agency Retreat, Fall Welcome, Bronco Bash, Homecoming, FYE Presentations, Orientation, etc.

Requirements: A Bachelor’s degree, experience with advising student organizations with culturally diverse populations, significant leadership experience and graduate program acceptance (Higher Education & Student Affairs or related program preferred). Effective interpersonal skills, ability to work with diverse groups of students, teamwork skills, conflict mediation skills, ability to manage multiple tasks, strong organizational skills, outstanding written and verbal communication skills, event planning and management skills, and knowledge of student learning and development are also necessary. Knowledge of fraternal organizations and/or membership in a fraternity or sorority is preferred.

Remuneration: In 2018-2019, compensation was $15,623 for the 10-month position, tuition (up to 9 credit hours each Fall and Spring & 3 credit hours during the summer II session), out-of-state tuition waiver for the first year if accepted and enrolled full time in a graduate program. The graduate assistantship is a 20 hours per week, Fall/Spring semester and Summer II session appointment, renewable upon satisfactory performance. Also included are: parking pass, 10% bookstore discount and professional development opportunities.

Note: Priority consideration will be given to candidates who apply by February 11, 2019

Contact Person:
Name: Chris Sligh
Title: Director, Office of Student Engagement
Preferred method: email at

223 Bernhard Center
Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5356
Phone: 269-387-2115
Fax: 269-387-2185