RSO Development Graduate Assistant
The successful Registered Student Organization (RSO) Development candidate will provide leadership in the development of all RSOs at WMU. The purpose of the position is to help RSOs collaboratively create environments via programming that positively influence student learning and development, celebrate diversity and multiculturalism, and promote campus pride. The RSO Development Graduate Assistant serves as the primary supervisor of the two Homecoming Lead Interns on the Bronco Bash & Homecoming Team, providing guidance and resources to ensure the successful planning and implementation of the annual events and Homecoming court. Additionally, the RSO Development Graduate Assistant serves as an adviser to Western Student Association Allocations as well as the LeadCorp Campus Engagement Team. The position also manages processes that are supportive of the mission and vision of SALP and assist in the success of RSOs.
- Provide assistance to RSOs with a special emphasis on newly developed student organizations
- Create and implement resources, such as workshops and online modules, to enhance the development of leadership and operational skills of RSO members
- Advise students and advisors on development issues student organizations may experience, create related resources, and execute administration RSO needs as requested
- Supervise two Homecoming Lead Interns on the Bronco Bash & Homecoming Team
- Plan and implement the campus-wide Homecoming events
- Provide support with the planning and implementation of Bronco Bash
- Advise Western Student Association Allocations
- Advise Campus Engagement LeadCorp Interns
- Assist in the administration of Student Organization Center office complex and storage areas
- Provide support for the users of ExperienceWMU and creating reports as needed
- Administer online annual RSO registration process and maintain the RSO database and event calendar in ExperienceWMU
- Assist with RSO Orientation
- Assist with SALP programmatic efforts and first year initiatives (e.g. Fall Welcome, Bronco Bash, Homecoming, FYE Presentations, Orientation, etc.)
Requirements: A Bachelor’s degree, experience with advising and student organizations, significant leadership experience, facilitation skills, and graduate program acceptance within first academic year is required. (Higher Education & Student Affairs or related program preferred).
Remuneration: In 2018-2019, compensation was $18,748 for the 12 month position, out-of-state tuition waiver for the first year (up to 9 credit hours- Fall and Spring; 3 credit hours during the summer I and II sessions) if accepted and enrolled full time in a graduate program. The graduate assistantship is a 20 hours per week, Fall/Spring semester and Summer II session appointment, renewable upon satisfactory performance. Also included are: parking pass, 10% bookstore discount and professional development opportunities.
Note: Priority consideration will be given to candidates who apply by February 11, 2019
Contact Person:
Name: Chris Sligh
Title: Director, Student Activities & Leadership Programs
Preferred method: email at
223 Bernhard Center
Kalamazoo, MI 49008
Phone: 269-387-2115
Fax: 269-387-2185