
The mission of the Office for Sustainability is to guide and assist the Western Michigan University community in fulfilling and growing its sustainability commitments. Through building a diverse and flourishing learning community around sustainability, we will continually explore and develop new opportunities to create a culture of sustainability and improve quality of life for all.

These commitments include, but are not limited to:

  1. Goals Statement of the WMU Mission—“To advance responsible environmental stewardship”
  2. Environmental Mission approved by the Faculty Senate and Western Students Association (2003)—Appendix 1 (p. 11) of the President's Universitywide Sustainability Committee's 2009 Strategic Sustainability Initiatives Report.
  3. WMU's 2010 Academic Affairs Strategic Plan—Goal 1, Strategy 1.1, “The faculty will continually examine curricula and course content, including general education, to ensure that the following skills, knowledge, and attitudes are integrated into undergraduate education.” “Environmental sustainability” is element four in a series of ten.
  4. Talloires Declaration, signed January, 2008—Appendix 2 (p. 12-13) of the President's Universitywide Sustainability Committee's 2009 Strategic Sustainability Initiatives Report.
  5. American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment, signed July 2009.