Event Request Form

Please use this form to propose a sustainability themed workshop.

Once all of the required elements are completed, submit your request and the information will be sent to the OfS Event Coordinator on the Communication Team. You will receive an automated notification that your request was submitted.  Within two business days, the OfS Event Coordinator will contact you to review the information you've provided in the form, verify other request details, and discuss your desired date/ time.

Submit your request at least one to two months before your deadline to ensure we can accommodate your request, especially if supplies and promotional components are needed.

Work will not begin on your workshop or chat until all required elements are received and you have received confirmation from the OfS Event Coordinator, regardless of the size/length/reach of your project. Keep in mind that there is no guarantee that all aspects of all requested components to your workshop or chat will be supported.

 Event Guidelines

I have read the Event Guidelines and my workshop meets the suggested (required)
Please try to answer these questions including how it relates to sustainability, What are the benefits to attend this workshop? What learning goals or objectives do you see this workshop supporting (non-motorized transportation, reduction of GHG, regenerative agriculture, etc.)?
Description of how your workshop will flow (Greeting/Ice Breaker, Explanation, Project Time, Snack Break, Show-And-Tell, Wrap Up, etc.)
Please note that we typically require a minimum of one month's notice to accommodate your request.
Please note that we typically require a minimum of one month's notice to accommodate your request.
Please note that we typically require a minimum of one month's notice to accommodate your request.
Target Audience (required)
Items could include: projector, computer, photocopies etc. If yes, please provide descriptions of each item needed.
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, mp3.
Do you need other staff members to help you facilitate this workshop or chat? (required)
Where will you host the event? (required)
Feel free to add any photos or documents that you want our team to use for your event.
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, mov, mp3.

You must complete the required components of this form before we can begin work on your workshop or chat. 
We require a minimum of one month lead for any new workshop or chat. 
Your content will be reviewed and may be returned to you for edits or clarification.
If you have any questions, please contact a the OfS Event Coordinator @wmu-sustainability@wmich.edu attn: events. 

Thank you!