The Living Woodshop

Do you want to learn how to make wooden bowls, spoons, or cutting boards? Do you want to gain experience working with human powered woodworking tools and learn to care for and sharpen tools you already own? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then you've come to the right page. This student run and student focused program will empower you to create your own household materials and teach you how to care for tools.

open Shop 

Registration is closed for this academic year. We will return during the 2024 fall semester. 
  • learn new skills about low-impact woodworking 

  • repair broken items (e.g. picture frames, spatulas, glasses, shoes, etc.)

  • make wooden items (e.g. cutting boards, spoons, bowls, soap dishes, etc.)

  • volunteer to help with on-going projects (e.g. benches, tables, podiums, etc.)

Register Here


We host Living Woodshop workshops during the fall and spring semesters. These serve students and community members by making them accessible no matter the skill level. Workshops are free for WMU students! Current listings can be found here.


Typical workshops include:

  • crafting a cutting board with a hand plane to practice traditional woodworking

  • making ornaments for the holidays while learning about how much energy goes into manufacturing 

  • creating spoons, spatulas and bread knives to understand and appreciate carving and whittling

Locally sourced wood 

The Living Woodshop serves our campus as a collaboration between Landscape Services and the Office for Sustainability. Landscape Services provides usable wood found on campus for the Living Woodshop. 


We also accept donated wood if it is needed for projects. Please call ahead if you are interested in donating (269) 387-0943 or email