Multifaceted Transportation Performance Integrating Mobility, Safety, Air Quality, Physical Activity and Public Health

While mobility, safety, and environmental friendliness have been major interests in transportation systems; recently people have started to pay more attention to public health related to transportation. Emphasis has been shifted from mobility and convenience to environmental friendliness and public health. Public health is also related to traffic safety and air quality issues as these impact mortality and human health. In addition, non-motorized transportation options are also related to public health as they influence the increase of physical activity.

The assessment framework proposes to integrate four aspects; mobility or network performance, traffic safety, environmental impact, and physical activity. A case example is implemented in Michigan. Data in individual categories are collected and analyzed.

This study was performed as a case study in the state of Michigan to apply the conceptual assessment framework of transportation performance considering traffic-related public health.

Comparisons were made between traffic-related public health levels in the Bay Region, Grand Region, Metro Region, North Region, Southwest Region, and University Region using data in 2015. The results of individual performance measures are presented and compared by region. The method helps in understanding transportation performances in a comprehensive manner integrating multifaceted measures. This study demonstrates a case example using the data in Michigan. In order to examine the effects of alternative strategies, performance measures could be derived from activity-based travel demand models or simulations. Simulation-based assessments can serve as a decision supporting tool for evaluating and/or selecting various treatment options for public health strategies prior to actual implementation. The application of activity-based travel demand models makes it possible to quantify various measures in the proposed approach by providing the effects of alternative strategies.