Submit Research Proposal

The Transportation Research Center for Livable Communities (TRCLC) is inviting its consortium members to submit research proposals for its second round of funding. For this second round, the TRCLC has identified four research thrusts that are central to its mission. Specifically, eligible researchers are invited to submit research proposals that focus on one or more of the following research themes: (1) Behavioral and cultural research that address all users of the transportation system, including drivers, bicyclists, pedestrian, elderly, and blind and low vision individuals; (2) System and network, planning, design, and simulation for improving transportation services; (3) Decision making models and policies that address competing transportation priorities and needs; and (4) Education and training on all aspects of transportation.

Proposals will be reviewed by a committee of qualified external reviewers as well as the internal Research Advisory Committee. The research proposed must also be original and have potential to make important contribution to transportation knowledge and scholarship. For additional information concerning review and selection criteria, format requirements, schedule and application please download the call for proposals document here. Submit required materials by e-mail to the Center Coordinator, Ms. Kay Mortellaro ( Completed proposals are due no later than January 30, 2015 at 5 p.m. (EST).

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