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Instructional Development Grants


Grants for instructional development will be awarded by the WMUx Office of Faculty Development to support efforts of board appointed, bargaining unit faculty at Western Michigan University to improve student learning through instructional and curricular redesign and innovation. The goal of Instructional Development Grants are to help support faculty innovation and projects that will tangibly impact student learning in approved WMU courses and programs.

Proposal applications are due by November 1 or February 3 for funding to be awarded in that same fiscal year. Awardee funds must be spent and reimbursements submitted by June 15 of the award fiscal year. For example, applications submitted in the 2024-25 application cycle should plan for projects to be completed and submitted by June 15, 2025. Applicants will be notified within 30 days of the due dates.

Grants are available for full-time and part-time faculty; each process is unique as delineated in the sections below. Funding is provided for in Article 40.4 of the Western/WMU-AAUP Agreement 2021-2026 and Article 17.5 of the WMU-PIO AFT/AFL-CIO Agreement 2021-2025.

Full-Time Faculty Instructional Development Grants

Per the AAUP Contract § 40.4 Instructional Development Grants:
Western agrees to provide a minimum of eighty thousand dollars ($80,000) each year of this Agreement to be used to support teaching and learning proposals from bargaining unit faculty members. Proposals are encouraged as well from groups of faculty, from departments, and from inter-department consortia of faculty. Topics of proposals may include, but not be limited to: program development, continuing self-education, and international education. Proposals will be reviewed through a process developed by the Office of Faculty Development and approved by the Office of the Provost.


For full-time faculty, there are two categories of grant funding: Instructional Development Project Grants and Instructional Development Travel Grants. Funds allocated for each category are preliminary and will be adjusted as needed to accommodate the kinds of applications submitted. 

Project Grant and Travel Grant proposal applications must be submitted by November 1 or February 3 for funding in that award fiscal year. Funds must be spent and reimbursements submitted by June 15 of the award fiscal year. For example, applications submitted in the 2024-25 application cycle should plan for projects to be completed and submitted by June 15, 2025. 

Applicants will receive notification no later than 30 days from application due date.

Project Grants

Instructional Development Project Grants (Project Grants) support instructional and curricular development projects at WMU that are submitted by full-time faculty. The goal of this fund is to help support faculty innovation and projects that will tangibly impact student learning in the approved WMU courses and programs.

  • The maximum level of award is $5,000 each. 
  • No more than one Project Grant proposal per academic program will be reviewed for possible funding each year. Funding preference will be for Project Grant proposals involving units that have not had projects funded through Project Grants in the prior three-year period. 
  • Group, department, and interdisciplinary projects are given priority.
  • Single-year Project Grant proposals are preferred due to the budget cycle. Multi-year proposals will be considered if a strong rationale is provided in the application (e.g., collection of student outcomes from multiple semesters).

Project Grants may be used to fund:

  • Experts to visit campus and work with a department or team of instructors on specific instructional improvement approaches and/or address specific student learning outcomes.
  • Site visits to other schools or locations to examine specific instructional improvement approaches or address specific student learning outcomes.
  • Group attendance at workshops or training programs directly related to the funded project or webinar registration.
  • Student wages or support for instructional development projects.
  • Materials to study or support specific instructional improvement approaches (e.g., software, books, other media, props).

Project Grants will not fund:

  • Faculty summer salary, academic year release time, or any compensation for instructors.
  • Computer equipment.
  • Individual travel to conferences (funds may be sought for this purpose).

The Project Grant application should include:

  • Project Grant proposal narrative (4 pages maximum). The proposal narrative should be approximately 4 pages and include the following information:  
    • State the title of the project.
    • Indicate the program and/or course this project is intended to support.
    • Describe the purpose of the project. (one to two sentences)
    • Objectives: State the objectives for the project. Key elements should be identified clearly. Objectives flow from purpose and are the specific aims for the project. What do you intend to do, what literature supports the proposed innovations, and why is the project important? Clearly demonstrate how this project is focused on enhancing teaching and learning and will tangibly impact student learning outcomes.
    • Briefly describe the project's alignment with academic program mission and objectives.
    • Assessment: How is the project's purpose and objectives assessed and/or evaluated?
    • Dissemination: Applicants should state the uses and diffusion of information acquired throughout the course of the grant. For example, how could results be used beyond the specific project? How, when, and by whom will the information be disseminated?
    • Budget: Provide a brief summary of the budget which applicants will detail in the Project Grant proposal budget worksheet.
  • Project Grant proposal budget worksheet, detailing the breakdown of costs, including an indication of additional funds being received or requested.  
  • Acknowledgement of direct supervisor support. It is the responsibility of the applicant to inform and obtain approval of their direct supervisor before submitting the application (dept. Chair, dean, etc.)  

Please note the following:

  • Application submissions are not a guarantee of approval.
  • All proposals will be reviewed to determine the suitability of budgeted items regarding stated project activities and fidelity with University policies and regulations.
  • Awardees will need to follow the Instructional Development Project Grant Reimbursement Policy & Procedures. 
  • Awardees will only be reimbursed for approved expenses incurred and submitted by June 15 of the awarded fiscal year.

Travel Grants

Instructional Development Travel Grants for full-time faculty support attendance at teaching and learning, assessment, and diversity-focused conferences, workshops, and meetings.  The goal of attendance at these events is to help infuse faculty innovation and for faculty to apply the learning in their classrooms and/or their program curriculum, which will tangibly impact student learning in the approved WMU courses and programs. 

  • The maximum level of award is up to $2,000 or the cost of the trip, whichever is lower. 
  • Preference is given to faculty without a travel grant in the prior three-year period.
  • Multiple applications from the same program unit for travel grants may be submitted each year. Still, priority will be given to supporting travel grant applications from as wide a range of disciplinary programs as possible. Applicants previously denied travel support on the merits of the application may not re-apply for the same trip at a later time.

Completion of a travel grant application does not guarantee funding; all applications are reviewed by a committee.

Applicants can expect a response within 30 days of submission deadlines.

Information about Travel Grant awardee reimbursement process:

  • All travel expenses must occur and be submitted for reimbursement by June 15 in the fiscal year. WMUx / Faculty Development will not reimburse awardees for expenses incurred or paperwork submitted after June 15. For example, 2024-25 awards must be submitted by June 15, 2025.
  • Instructional Development Travel grants are reimbursed to departments. Applicants will travel under their department's authorization and submit reimbursement to their department; WMUx Office of Faculty Development will reimburse the department for those travel costs. Awardees will need to follow the Travel Grant Reimbursement Policy and Procedures. 

The Travel Grant application should include:

  • Proposal narrative and materials:
    • Share details (including copies of brochures or links to web-based information) regarding the conference/workshop/meeting for which the grant will support.
    • Discuss how the event is relevant to the applicant’s teaching responsibilities and field. 
    • Demonstrate intention to use and apply the knowledge they gain from attending the conference, other than presenting a paper.
    • Provide link between conference attendance and sessions to classroom teaching development and activities.
  • Travel Grant proposal budget worksheet.
  • Acknowledgement of direct supervisor support. Because travel grants reimbursements are reimbursed to the department, it is the responsibility of the applicant to inform and obtain approval of their direct supervisor before submitting the application (dept. chair, school director, dean, etc.)  

Please note the following: 

  • Application submissions are not a guarantee of approval.
  • It is the responsibility of the applicant to inform and obtain approval of their direct supervisor before submitting the application.
  • All proposals will be reviewed to determine the suitability of budgeted items regarding stated project activities and fidelity to University policies and regulations.
  • Awardees will only be reimbursed for approved expenses incurred and submitted by June 15 of the awarded fiscal year. 

Part-Time Instructors Instructional Development Grants (PIO IDG)

Per the WMU-PIO AFT/AFL-CIO Agreement 2021-2025 § 17.5 Instructional Development Grants:
Western agrees to provide a minimum of six thousand dollars ($6,000) each year of this Agreement to be used to support teaching and learning proposals from bargaining unit members. Proposals are encouraged as well from groups of part-time instructors, from departments, and from inter-department consortia of part-time instructors. Topics of proposals may include, but not be limited to: program development, continuing self-education, and international education. Proposals will be reviewed through a process developed by the Office of Faculty Development and approved by the Office of the Provost.


For part-time instructors, there is one category of grant funding and the PIO Instructional Development Grant (PIO IDG) fund supports instructors with projects or travel. The maximum award level for a PIO IDG is $1,000, and funding is given to those who have not been funded in the prior three years.

Grant proposal applications must be submitted by November 1 or February 3 for funding in that award fiscal year. Funds must be spent and reimbursements submitted by June 15 of the award fiscal year. For example, applications submitted in the 2024-25 application cycle should plan for projects to be completed and submitted by June 15, 2025.

Applicants will receive notification by 30 days from the application due date.

The PIO Instructional Development Grant (PIO IDG) fund aims to support part-time instructors with projects or travel that will tangibly impact student learning in approved WMU courses and programs. The goal is to help infuse faculty innovation and support projects that will tangibly impact student learning in approved WMU courses and programs.

The PIO IDG may be used to fund:

  • Attendance at teaching and learning, assessment, and diversity-focused conferences, workshops, and meetings.
  • Bringing experts to visit campus and work with a department or team of instructors on specific instructional improvement approaches and/or address specific student learning outcomes.
  • Site visits to other schools or locations to examine specific instructional improvement approaches or address specific student learning outcomes.
  • Group attendance at workshops or training programs directly related to the funded project or webinar registration.
  • Student wages or support for instructional development projects.
  • Materials to study or support specific instructional improvement approaches (e.g., software, books, other media, props).

The PIO IDG may not be used to fund:

  • Instructor or faculty summer salary, academic year release time, or any compensation for instructors.
  • Computer equipment.
  • Travel that does not have a direct relationship to instructional outcomes.
  • Multi-year projects.

Please note the following:

  • Priority is given to supporting proposals from as wide a range of disciplinary programs as possible. Applicants previously denied support on the merits of the application may not re-apply for the same trip later.
  • The PIO IDG funds are reimbursed to departments not to individuals.
  • All expenses must occur and be submitted for reimbursement by June 15 in the fiscal year.  WMUx / Faculty Development will not reimburse for costs incurred or paperwork submitted after June 15.  For example, 2024-25 awards must be submitted by June 15, 2025.
  • Applicants will travel under their department's authorization and submit reimbursement to their department; WMUx Office of Faculty Development will reimburse the department for those travel costs. Awardees will need to follow the Travel Grant Reimbursement Policy and Procedures. 

The application should include:

  • PIO IDG proposal narrative that includes a budget. A proposal narrative should be attached to the application; the narrative should be at most 2 pages for travel and 4 pages for projects. 
  • Acknowledgment of direct supervisor support and other disclaimers. 

PIO IDG proposal narratives include a number of elements, depending on whether the submission is for project or travel funding. 

For Project proposal narratives, you must include:

  • Title of the project.
  • Purpose and relevance (one to two sentences): What is the project's purpose? How is the project relevant to applicants' teaching responsibilities or field?
  • Objective: Project elements should be identified clearly. Objectives flow from purpose and are the specific aims for the project. What do you intend to do, what literature supports the proposed innovations, and why is the project important? Clearly demonstrate how this project is focused on enhancing teaching and learning and will tangibly impact student learning outcomes.
  • Alignment: Briefly describe the project's alignment with academic program mission and objectives.
  • Assessment: How is the project's purpose and objectives assessed and/or evaluated?
  • Dissemination: Applicants should state the uses and diffusion of information acquired throughout the course of the grant. For example, how could results be used beyond the specific project? How, when, and by whom will the information be disseminated?
  • Budget: A detailed budget explaining expenses and any other anticipated sources of funding.

For Travel proposal narratives you must:

  • Provide details regarding the conference/workshop/meeting for which applicant is applying for travel support (include copies of brochures or links to web-based information).
  • Discuss how the event is relevant to the applicant’s teaching responsibilities.
  • Indicate how conference attendance and sessions link to classroom teaching development and activities.
  • Demonstrate how applicant intends to use and apply the knowledge gained from attending the conference, other than presenting a paper? 
  • Provide a detailed budget explaining expenses and any other anticipated sources of funding.

Questions, comments, or concerns?