Uncovering the Right Tool for the Job

Every year, 65-70% of WMU first-year students enroll in ENGL 1050: Foundations in Written Communications, taught by Brian Gogan, Associate Professor of English. A few semesters ago, Gogan had a project idea, but he needed an interactive online tool that could include both written and visual components all in one spot. The tool needed to not only function as a place to share and display work, but also act as a space for collaboration.

An example of how digital whiteboards can appear.

Gogan reached out to WMUx's Instructional Design team for support. He was quickly partnered with an instructional designer who had experience using virtual whiteboards. After a preliminary meeting where Gogan laid out the project objectives, his instructional designer came back with some potential solutions. After exploring the options, Gogan zeroed in on a specific virtual whiteboard that perfectly addressed his project's needs. WMUx Instructional Design mocked up an example that was then piloted and tested by a set of English instructors and the successful solution was rolled out in fall 2021. This innovative tool enhanced the learning experience by providing a more accessible environment for students to display their work. The virtual whiteboard also facilitated collaboration and allowed for a more collective educational experience.

Brian Gogan, Associate Professor of English

But adapting to new technology is not always easy. "There is always a bit of anxiety with using a new platform and it can be intimidating," noted Gogan. WMUx Instructional Design supported Gogan and the first-year writing instructional staff every step of the way by attending staff meetings and walking instructors through the new tool. The expertise WMUx Instructional Design brought to Gogan's project enabled the launch of the new tool to happen quickly and it gave Gogan and his department "the confidence and support to try something new." When particularly tough questions came up, the instructional designer was always available to offer assistance.

After WMUx introduced the virtual whiteboard to the Foundations in Written Communications team, instructors now use the online whiteboard technology in other classes to support their own projects and learning experiences. Gogan's collaboration with WMUx provided the first-year writing staff and students with a tool to successfully accomplish their class project objectives that ultimately made an impact across the University.

Curious about how tech tools can help amplify your teaching? Our instructional designers are ready to turn your ideas into reality. Get in touch with them today!