Distinguished Faculty Scholar Award

Dr. Lisa Baker

Dr. Kristina Lemmer

Dr. Elena Litvinova
The Distinguished Faculty Scholar Award is the highest award WMU bestows upon faculty members. It pays tribute to individuals whose work constitutes a significant body of achievement that is widely recognized within national and international academic communities. All recipients receive a plaque and a $2,000 honorarium to their base pay, and carry the suffix title "Distinguished Faculty Scholar."
- Up to three awards may be made each year.
- Award winners are announced after July 1.
- Each recipient is invited to present a lecture, exhibition, or performance for the University community, typically scheduled for the fall or spring semester following the announcement in late summer.
Eligibility for the Award
- All current, continuing Board-appointed persons with faculty rank are eligible.
- Nominees must have at least seven (7) academic years of service at Western Michigan University prior to nomination for the award.
- No individual may receive the award more than once.
Selection Criteria
- A distinguished faculty scholar award winner shall be chosen on the basis of outstanding artistic, literary, philosophical, historical, technical, or scientific achievement bringing wide recognition from the academic community beyond the Western Michigan University campus.
- The award is not to be given for a particular piece of research or work, but rather for outstanding accomplishment, especially during the time the faculty member has spent at Western Michigan University.
Contact Tonya Dean or email: faculty-development@wmich.edu with questions, comments, or concerns regarding the Distinguished Faculty Scholar Award.
Nomination Procedure
A university-wide call for nominations is made between December 1 and February 1 each academic year. Nominations may be made by any member of the University community, including retired faculty members. Faculty may wish to nominate a colleague or colleagues. Self-nomination is also acceptable. All nominations must be supported by at least two sponsors, at least one of whom must be from within the University.
Nominations are due Monday, February 2, 2026 for the 2026-27 Distinguished Faculty Scholar Award. Nominations must be submitted electronically through the webform (right hand side).
Nomination materials
- Two sponsoring letters—the candidate cannot be considered a sponsor.
- Three to six additional letters of recommendation from outside of the University addressing the nominee's professional achievements. No more than six letters of nomination will be accepted.
- Current Curriculum vitae (CV) - see below.
- Reflections by nominees on their own development as scholars or creative artists. This free-form piece of writing is not to exceed 5 typed pages, 12pt font, single-spaced. Reflections will inform the Committee on the course of the nominee's creative or academic career. Suggested topics for the reflections include: a description of their field of scholarly work, the particular problems or issues that they have addressed, the contributions they have made in solving the problems and settling issues in their chosen field(s) with references to the academic vita, the future direction of their research, and major contributions to their area of expertise.
- Other documentation that the nominee wishes the Committee to know but has not been formally requested above.
- Sample of sufficiently representative works submitted in electronic form.
Curriculum Vitae (CV) requirements
Provide a detailed CV including:
- All academic degrees. Degree, year, field(s), institution, and country if degree was earned outside of the United States. If necessary, explain the nature of the degree;
- All academic appointments held, beginning with highest rank at WMU. Include all pertinent information about these positions (years, ranks, institutions, tenure);
- Major areas of expertise of scholarly or creative activities;
- Professional activities in the field of expertise, such as editorship, offices held in professional associations, juror for exhibitions, etc;
- Other professional experiences not listed previously;
- Books and book chapters authored;
- Artistic works displayed in juried major exhibitions;
- Theatrical or musical creations (prizes awarded and performances in well-known important venues);
- Articles in refereed journals or similar publications;
- Scientific research reports or similar works in professional journals or publications;
- Refereed conference proceedings;
- Presentations connected with conferences in field of expertise;
- Papers read, service as a panelist and a chair;
- Invited lectures and presentations;
- Externally funded grants and contracts awarded;
- Patents;
- Honors granted by academic institutions or associations of appropriate scientific, literary, artistic or other professional standing. Give date received, name of the honor, entity bestowing it, describe the rules, standards and numerical limits governing the bestowing of the honor;
- Prizes won or other important recognitions.
Nominations not awarded
Applications for previous nominees who were not selected but who wish to be considered in subsequent years need to be resubmitted before being reconsidered. All re-nomination materials, including CV, letters, and narrative, must be updated.