A game controller in a student's hand

Start, Stop, Continue

Why do it? Determine how the group is going with three simple questions.

Category: Collaboration / Feedback
Time: 30 minutes
Group or Individual: Group Activity



This activity is often used in business and on functional teams to gather feedback, improve a situation, or work through a process. In the classroom, it can be used for those and several other purposes as well. This activity can be especially useful with groups throughout a group project to determine how things are going, bring all the unspoken issues and successes to the forefront for purposeful discussion, and determine clear actions for moving forward.



Note: This activity may be done in small groups or as a whole class, depending on the topic of discussion and the goal.

  1. On a large piece of paper, create three columns with the headings "Start," "Stop," and "Continue."
  2. Ask participants to spend five minutes creating sticky notes – one idea per sticky – responding to the question: "What should we start doing?"
  3. After time has passed, each person shares what they wrote and posts them in the "Start" column.


    Note: you may consider using the Theme Sort strategy as participants post their stickies.


  4. Ask participants to spend five minutes creating sticky notes – one idea per sticky – responding to the question: "What should we stop doing?"
  5. After time has passed, each person shares what they wrote and posts them in the "Stop" column.
  6. Ask participants to spend five minutes creating sticky notes – one idea per sticky – responding to the question: "What should we continue doing?"
  7. After time has passed, each person shares what they wrote and posts them in the "Continue" column.
  8. Spend about five minutes talking through what was brought up and reflecting on the collective input of all the members.


Note: In a virtual space? No worries. Use a virtual whiteboard, slides, or a simple shared document to facilitate and gather ideas.

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