Bronco Spotlight: Bethany Hayes

Bachelors of Science, health education, 2016

Current Job Title:

Health Educator

Current Employer:

Toledo-Lucas County Health Department

Describe your current job:

I work as a Health Educator on two different grants at the Toledo-Lucas County Health Department. One grant deals with teaching Safe Sleep Education (infants should sleep alone, on their back, and in a crib) for parents, caregivers, and community members. The other grant encompasses collaborating with other local organizations to address transportation issues and barriers for the Maternal and Child Population.

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

The most rewarding part of my job would be the connections I make with parents. They are so thankful for the services we are able to provide for them. The appreciation never gets old. On the other hand, the most challenging part of my job is just getting used to working in the 'real world' and finding a balance in the workplace.

What activities, resources, or people helped you prepare for your career?

One activity that helped prepare me for my career was being involved in the national health education honorary, Eta Sigma Gamma at Western Michigan University. I was a member for a year and then became president of the organization. This role helped me to hone leadership, organizational, and personal skills. One particular person I consider to be an irreplaceable mentor and truly amazing person who helped me prepare for my career was Dr. Marianne Frauenknecht. She provided guidance throughout my time at Western and I owe so much of my success as a professional to her.

What advice do you have for others pursuing a career similar to yours?

Get involved in student groups while you're at Western! You will not regret it. Even if you think you don't have time, make time. I thought I wouldn't have time, but I did it. I was able to juggle school and a presidential position in a student organization while still graduating with honors The connections you make with last you a lifetime and will prove to beneficial later in your career. 

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