Bronco Spotlight: Dillon Buckland

Image of Dillon Buckland

Bachelor of Arts, organizational communication, 2015

Communications Coordinator at the Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce

As Communication Coordinator, I am charged with keeping all of the chamber’s social media outlets up-to-date with current and relevant information for our member organizations. I also get the opportunity to assist in the planning and implementation of all the chamber's annual events and member networking events. Another responsibility of mine is to design and create all the collateral for our publications, flyers and programs.

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

The most rewarding part of my job is seeing member organizations engage with each other and make valuable connections in the Sarasota community. I also find that welcoming new businesses and organizations to the chamber community is very rewarding. The most challenging part of my job would be keeping my schedule up-to-date! The chamber has a very busy schedule and is ever-changing, but spontaneity and a fast-paced work environment are things that I value in my workplace! 

Which of your skills had the biggest impact on your success?

The skills that I have felt had the most impact on my path to success are the tools of networking and effective communication. With that being said, you have to have the opportunities to hone in on those skills. Make those opportunities for yourself by getting involved with student organizations and getting a campus job or internship within the community. I still have to work every day to improve those skills, but I am very thankful for the opportunities that I had while at WMU. I gained valuable experience in networking and communication in my job at WMU Career Services, being on the Western Student Association's executive board and being a member of Pi Kappa Alpha - Epsilon Psi Chapter. You won't improve on your skills, no matter what skills will help you, without putting in hard work and creating opportunities to practice.

What advice would you offer students to help them decide on a career path?

Take a job that might not be exactly what you want. It doesn't hurt to try different jobs to see what interests you. Learning in a classroom is completely different from working in the actual field; you've got to put in the effort to make your path to success, a successful one. Right out of college, I moved across the country to Sarasota, Florida where I took one of the first jobs that I could find and ended up loving it. I worked at the Hyatt Regency Sarasota located in Downtown Sarasota. I found great people and found a way to establish myself in the community and then from there, I could find something in my field and I could still make money. Also, try to never leave an employer on a bad note. You never know when they could be a client or business partner of your next employer. Keep those doors open!

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