Career Counseling Center in Sangren Hall

Career Counseling Program

The Career Counseling Program of WMU is dedicated to helping students select and be successful in majors and careers that fit with who they are and what they value. Students work with our team of career counselors to help them understand the relationship between self and the world of work. Any students having questions, concerns or problems with, but not limited to, career or academic major decisions, family pressures, school/work anxiety, self-doubt, feeling lost, etc. may benefit from career counseling.

One main goal of career counseling is to help students to better understand themselves including their strengths and weaknesses. This is often done through assessing one’s personality, interests, values, and skills. This self-understanding will allow for students to make knowledgeable decisions throughout their lives towards the world of work. Students will also learn to access and assess such things as requirements, opportunities, and limitations of different careers. Career counseling will equip students with the capabilities to make confident choices about their goals and career in order to fit with who they are as well as to help them be more successful going forward into the world.


  • The services provided by career counseling are free and available to all students, staff, and faculty at Western Michigan University. A small fee ($20) is charged for the IMPACTeX Navigator, which is a career assessment that clients can choose to take.  Individuals who are interested in receiving career counseling should visit the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services- Kalamazoo (CCPS- KZ) located on the third floor of Sangren Hall in office 3341.
  • Individuals can also call (269) 387-5105 to get assistance with setting up an appointment.
  • Individuals seeking career counseling should leave one hour of their time open in order to complete the initial intake session, and should show up 10-15 minutes prior to their scheduled first session in order to fill out some necessary paperwork. Clients receiving career counseling will have all expectations of confidentiality between them and their counselor met.
  • The IMPACTeX Navigator is a comprehensive career assessment that looks at personality, educational preferences, work preferences, work values, interests and perceived skills. This assessment focuses on helping individuals learn more about themselves and also the world of work.
  • Many students have sought out the Navigator to help with decisions around major selection as well as career paths post-graduation. The assessment is $20 to take and comes with a two hour interpretation session with a career counselor. During the interpretation session, the Navigator is reviewed in detail and potential career paths as well as major selection are discussed.
  • To take the Navigator, contact our clinic, the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services- Kalamazoo (CCPS- KZ), and schedule a career intake appointment. After attending your intake, you will be given access to the assessment and instructions on how to proceed.
  • CCPS- KZ is located on the third floor of Sangren Hall in office 3341. Visit or call (269) 387-5105 to set up your intake appointment.
  • Career Exploration and Development (UNIV 1020) is a great way for any student to get started on their career path. The primary goal of UNIV 1020 is for students to learn a procedure for educational and career decision-making that will be useful now and throughout the students' lives. UNIV 1020 will provide students with skills such as researching, analyzing, synthesizing, good decision-making, and planning and implementing goals.
  • UNIV 1020 is a one-credit hour class offered in the fall and spring semesters. The class will primarily revolve around group interaction and independent study. Students attending UNIV 1020 will also be required to attend a career counseling session, in order to get one on one assistance in developing their career action plan.
  • Students will also participate in a career assessment, called the IMPACTeX Navigator, which will help students better understand themselves and how they relate to careers and the world of work.

Contact Information

Center for Counseling and Psychological Services (Kalamazoo)
Western Michigan University
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5226 USA
Phone: (269) 387-5105
Campus Location: 3341 Sangren Hall


Monday through Thursday: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.



The Career Counseling Program is graciously accepting donations. Donations for our program will go toward enhancing our services, developing and providing resources for students, professional development opportunities for our counselors, outreach opportunities, and much more. Any amount is welcome, and we greatly appreciate those who wish to help us help students through career counseling at WMU.