Eli Rubin
Western Michigan University
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5334 USA

- Ph.D., History, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004
- MA., University of Wisconsin, 2000
- BA., Swarthmore College, 1997
Eli Rubin works on postwar German history, and specializes in the history of East Germany, World War Two, material culture, spatiality, consumption, technology, environment, memory and everyday life history. He has published two monographs: Synthetic Socialism: Plastics and Dictatorship in the German Democratic Republic (North Carolina, 2008) and Amnesiopolis: Modernity, Space, and Memory in East Germany (Oxford, 2016). He is currently working on a volume of in-class hands-on activities for Western Civ classroom, entitled Stepping Into the Past, with Annemarie Sammartino, under contract with Oxford (see sample), and a third monograph entitled Arc of Destruction: War and Urban Space in Germany, 1937-1945.
Eli Rubin teaches general education and upper level undergraduate courses on modern European and German history, including online and hybrid courses, as well as a range of graduate courses:
Modern Western World Since 1500 (Hist 1010)
Modern Western World Since 1500 (Hist 1010- Hybrid Online)
War, Fascism, and Communism: Europe, 1914-1945 (Hist 3616-Writing Intensive)
From the Cold War to the European Union: Europe, 1945-Present (Hist 3618-Writing Intensive)
Modern Germany (Hist 4495-Baccalaureate Writing)
The Holocaust in History and Memory (Hist 4495-Baccalaureate Writing)
World War Two in Europe (Hist 4495-Baccalaureate Writing)
The Historian’s Craft (Hist 2900)
Europe and the World (Hist 6160)