Adults Preparing for Work Clinic
The Occupational Therapy for Adults Preparing for Work clinical program is located within the College of Health and Human Services on the Oakland Drive Campus of Western Michigan University. Clinical assessment and training services will be provided during the academic semesters of fall, spring, and summer. Our clinical program will operate two half days each week, with programming taking place in clinic, classroom and community settings.
Participant customers are referred for occupational therapy assessment by counselors at Michigan Rehabilitation Services. There is on-going communication between the occupational therapy program and the designated counselor to assure continuity and clarity of care to each customer.
The program for our participant customers will be determined for each individual after assessment is completed, and consultation with the customer’s counselor from Michigan Rehabilitation Services has taken place. Programming may include individual training or training within a group format. The interests and what will be of most benefit to the customer will always be at the center of our planning.
The program is highly-functional in orientation, and is geared to those customers who have demonstrated an interest in either entering or returning to the employment arena. Assessments provided will be driven by the prior work history and aptitude of the customer. Exploration of work interests are part of the intervention provided through this program.
Additionally, those life skills areas of high value to an individual emerging into the employment arena are of primary focus for this program. These skill areas may include: time management, interpersonal communication, dressing, grooming and personal hygiene, basic money management and financial planning, community entry and mobility, and employment etiquette.