Doctoral Capstone
The Doctoral Capstone consists of a capstone experience and capstone project, which will provide you with in-depth exposure to one of these concentrated areas of study:
- Clinical practice skills
- Research skills
- Administration
- Leadership
- Program and policy development
- Advocacy
- Education
You may choose a secondary concentration area if it fits with the design of your doctoral capstone.
Capstone experience
The doctoral capstone experience occurs over 14 weeks, and a minimum of 32 hours per week. You will complete the capstone experience during the spring semester of your third year, after the completion of all coursework and fieldwork. It is the culminating experiential component of the OTD program.
The capstone coordinator, site mentor and faculty advisor (if applicable) will complete a formal evaluation to objectively assess student performance during the capstone experience.
Capstone project
The doctoral capstone project directly relates to your capstone experience and demonstrates in-depth knowledge in your concentrated area of study.
You will present your work to the capstone team and site representatives at your experience site and at WMU's Capstone Dissemination Day. Your scholarly paper wll be published on WMU Scholarworks and on the WMU OTD Capstones YouTube channel.
Capstone highlights

Fieldwork of Dreams

Im'Peck'able Innovations
Capstone Project Presentations and Papers
Doctoral capstone preparation
Doctoral capstone preparation occurs throughout your OTD program. You'll take two capstone preparation courses in the spring and summer I session of your second year. During your preparation, you'll complete a literature review and needs assessment, establish goals and objectives, and develop a supervision and evaluation plan for your capstone. You will collaborate with members of the capstone team throughout your preparation:
- Capstone coordinator - a full-time core faculty member, responsible for compliance with the doctoral capstone ACOTE standards
- Site mentor - an individual (not necessarily an OT) who has expertise in your concentrated area of study and who can provide mentorship throughout your capstone
- Faculty advisor - will work with you to develop objectives and a timetable for your capstone, and will provide guidance, perspective, feedback and other resources
As part of the process, you will develop an official memorandum of understanding, which will detail the plan for your doctoral capstone. You will sign the memo, along with the chair of the OT department, the dean of the College of Health and Human Services, and WMU's provost.
WMU is required to track some student information as part of the capstone process. WMU uses CastleBranch to track information like background checks, immunization and titers (MMR, varicella, Hepatitis B), drug screens, training and certifications.
Student resources
- WMU OTD Capstone Summary - This resource will give students a brief overview of the OTD Capstone courses, timeline, objectives, curriculum themes, and philosophy.
- Recommended OT and health-related databases - Students can utilize this resource to search health and medicine databases when conducting their lit review.
- The Entry Level Occupational Therapy Doctorate Capstone: A Framework for the Experience and Project - This textbook provides a step-by-step guide for developing, planning, implementing, and disseminating the entry-level occupational therapy doctoral capstone experience and project.
Capstone coordinator
Holly Grieves, OTD, OTRL, Capstone Coordinator Department of Occupational Therapy
200 Ionia Ave SW
Grand Rapids MI 49503
Phone: (517) 388-1652
Fax: (616) 771-4200
Frequently asked questions
Site mentors
Become a site mentor
Are you interested in becoming a site monitor for one of our OTD students? Contact our capstone coordinator to learn more about what site mentors do. We would be happy to have a virtual or in-person conversation about being a site mentor and how that might work for you.
Alternatively, you can submit your capstone idea for consideration by completing a capstone idea submission form. Our capstone coordinator will follow up with you.
These short videos may help you to better understand the doctoral capstone process and the responsibilities associated with the site mentor role
Capstone Defined
ACOTE Standards
WMU OTD Curriculum
Capstone Process
Capstone Documentation
Capstone Program Results
Site mentor support
Michigan Occupational Therapy Education Consortium (MOTEC) is a group of academic fieldwork coordinators, assistant fieldwork coordinators, and capstone coordinators from all of the OT and OTA programs in the state of Michigan.
MOTEC offers educational opportunities to provide tools and resources to support best practice in fieldwork and capstone education and to share developments in Michigan occupational therapy programs.
Site mentor tools
The Entry Level Occupational Therapy Doctorate Capstone: A Framework for the Experience and Project - This textbook provides a step-by-step guide for developing planning, implementing and disseminating the entry-level occupational therapy doctoral capstone experience and project.
Occupational Therapy Doctoral Capstone: Purpose and Value
Capstone Projects as Scholarship of Application in Entry-Level Occupational Therapy Education
Capstones: Voices from the Occupational Therapy Profession
Capstone Weekly Summary Form - Tool used to reflect on student’s performance and provide written feedback.