Communication Team Request Form
Please use this form to request Office for Sustainability (OfS) Communications to promote OfS or sustainability related promotional opportunities. This includes but is not limited to social media posts and website presence.
Once all of the required elements are completed, submit your request and the information will be sent to the Communications Team. You will receive an automated notification that your request was submitted. Within two business days, a member of the Communications Team will contact you to review the information you've provided in the form, verify other request details, and discuss your desired outreach plan.
Submit your request at least two weeks before your deadline to ensure we can accommodate your request.
Work will not begin on your project until all required elements are received and you have received confirmation from a Communications Committee member, regardless of the size/length/reach of your outreach. Keep in mind that there is no guarantee that all aspects of all requested promotional pieces will be supported.
You must complete the required components of this form before we can begin work on your promotion.
We require a minimum of two weeks lead for any new promotional request.
Your content will be reviewed and may be returned to you for edits.
If you have any questions, please contact a member of the Communications Team @ attn: communications.
Thank you!