WMU’s orientation and mobility and vision rehabilitation therapy personnel preparation programs are the longest-running programs of their kind in the U.S. Over the past 58 years, in close collaboration with state vocational rehabilitation agencies and Veterans Administration Hospitals, our program has been the nation’s largest preparer of VRTs and O&M specialists. Our department has also spent decades preparing Teachers of Children with Visual Impairments and has recently begun training professionals in Assistive Technology.  

We welcome you to explore studies in this exciting field that promotes productive and independent lifestyles and helps:

  • Adults and children to travel independently around the house and around the world.
  • Adults to gain skills to compete for professional positions.
  • Children to succeed in educational programs and learn academic curriculum and expanded core curriculum skills.
  • Adults and children to gain proficiency in using modern assistive technologies.

Jobs in the Field of Vision


Graduation and Certification Stats - Fall 2018 – Summer II 2023

 One year retention rateGraduation rateAverage time to completion (years)% of graduates who are employed% of graduates who are ACVREP certified in the area of training
Orientation and Mobility94%91%1.49 2.0599%82%
Vision Rehabilitation Therapy95%92%1.592.4094%75%
Assistive Technology100%100%NA 1.51100%75%