Students smile during meeting at the Downtown Market in Grand Rapids

A WMUx Introduction Leads to Delicious Connections

Amy Routhier, Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships for WMUx, believes within the intersection of industry and education there is a sweet spot where opportunities that benefit both sides are abundant. Routhier loves to connect with businesses and organizations within the communities WMU serves, and Charlie Secchia, a prominent real estate developer and active Grand Rapids community member, is someone Routhier has begun to think of as an unofficial ambassador for WMU in Grand Rapids.

Charlie Secchia

After developing a relationship with Secchia and learning about his background conducting business internationally in both Italy and Russia, as well as his current ventures and involvement in the Grand Rapids community, Amy saw the perfect opportunity to make a connection between Secchia and Dr. Paulo Zagalo-Melo, Associate Provost of the Haenicke Institute for Global Education at WMU.

The Haenicke Institute for Global Education (HIGE) seeks to create and sustain an environment that facilitates international engagement of the WMU community. Within the HIGE, the Global Engagement Program (GEP) is always looking for unique opportunities to amplify the educational experiences of their students. Routhier saw the valuable potential of what a collaboration between Secchia and Zagalo-Melo could bring to the table – and how it could benefit everyone involved.

As Chair of the Downtown Market Board in Grand Rapids, Secchia worked with Zagalo-Melo to create a special event called, "Food & Beverages Connecting the World," and volunteered to personally sponsor the event for GEP students. Taking a field trip up to Grand Rapids and attending a series of guest lectures, GEP students learned about the role of food and beverages in culture and examples of their impact on globalization.

Dr. Paulo Zagalo-Melo, Associate Provost of HIGE

Students enjoyed a mouthwatering spread of Thai and French foods and heard directly from two Downtown Market vendors about the food and their stories of entrepreneurship. Zagalo-Melo, along with Secchia, presented two classic cases of "Global Interconnectedness through Wine." At the end of their trip, students heard about the Downtown Market's impact on West Michigan directly from the CEO and took a tour of their one-of-a-kind incubator kitchen.

WMU staff and students alike were absolutely delighted by the highly engaging and unique learning opportunity (not to mention the delicious food). Through WMUx connections and the generosity of "WMU's unofficial Grand Rapids ambassador" Secchia, the Global Education team was able to realize an idea that transformed and enhanced the students' learning experience.