Career Guidance
The Department of Geography, Environment, and Tourism surveys alumni regarding their successful career searches to inform current students of the variety of careers available for geography students.
Potential careers
Recent graduates hold the following positions:
- Aerial photo interpreter
- Community development specialist
- Earth scientist
- Environmental research analyst
- Facilities planner
- Geographic information science analyst
- Hazardous waste planner
- Land developer
- Map editor
- Market research analyst
- Park ranger
- Site researcher
- Surveyor
- Transportation analyst
- Urban planner
- Zoning investigator
Where do Department of Geography alumni work?
- Airlines
- Construction firms
- Environmental groups
- Government agencies
- Oil companies
- Utility companies
Career information from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Cartographers and photogrammetrists
- Environmental scientists
- Geographers
- Hydrologists
- Urban and regional planners
- Travel service consultants
- Surveyors
Major-specific career resources
- American Planning Association
- Association of American Geographers
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Environmental career opportunities
- National Environmental Education Foundation
- Geography jobs
- Geographic information science
- National Council for Geographic Education
- Travel and tourism
Major skills to develop
- Ability to write clearly
- Computer modeling
- Conducting field studies
- Critical evaluation skills
- Cross cultural communication skills
- Developing project designs
- Gathering and organizing data
- Knowledge of geographic information science
- Location and spatial analysis
- Planning long-term projects
- Presentation skills
- Reading and constructing maps
- Record maintenance
- Surveying and sampling