Level of Service

Level of Service Standards

Facilities Management Vision Statement places an emphasis on providing excellent service to our campus students, faculty, staff, and guests. We also understand that in order to meet or exceed customer expectations, we must articulate the level of service we offer and in turn, the level of service our customers should expect of our staff. This mutual understanding of level of service is critical for the customer – service provider relationship. When our staff falls short of this expectation, we must recognize it and improve. When customers want a higher level of service, we can offer it when provided additional resources.

Each Facilities Management service unit has created their specific level of service for their facility discipline. The following links take you to the unit’s level of service standard. Each unit and their team members hold themselves accountable to meet or exceed these expectations. We trust our campus customers have a mutual understanding of these service levels. Please inform us when we have not met these expectations and we also hope you thank the many Facilities Management service providers for the times they meet and exceed them.

Facilities Landscape Level of Service Standards