Agreement Templates
- General Affiliation Agreement Template (Non-Clinical) - Use this document to place students in internship or other non-clinical training experiences with outside entities for which they will get credit.
- Affiliation Agreement Template (Clinical) - Use this document to place students in internship or other clinical training experiences with outside entities for which they will get credit.
- College of Arts & Sciences Internship Addendum Template - Use this document if you are in the College of Arts & Sciences and need to modify an agreement in a situation that applies to one student.
- College of Arts & Sciences Affiliation Agreement (Non-Clinical) - Use this document if you are in the College of Arts & Sciences and are placing students in internship or other non-clinical training experiences with outside entities for which they will get credit.
- College of Arts & Sciences Affiliation Agreement (Clinical) - Use this document if you are in the College of Arts & Sciences and are placing students in internship or other clinical training experiences with outside entities for which they will get credit.
- Dietetics Affiliation Agreement - Use this document if you are in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences - Dietetics and are placing students in internship or other clinical or non-clinical training experiences with outside entities for which they will get credit.
- CECP Counseling Psychology Affiliation Agreement Template (Clinical)
- CECP Counseling Psychology Implementation Letter (Clinical)
- Business Associate Agreement (BAA) Template - Use this document when signing BAAs in which WMU is either the Covered Entity or the Business Associate (reminder: only the University's HIPAA Compliance Officer can sign BAAs on behalf of the University)
- Facility Use Agreement Template - Use this document to rent or reserve any non-academic space on campus.
- Independent Contractor Agreement Procedures
- IC Part A All contract values
- IC Part B $5,000 and less TCV
- IC Part B $5,000 and greater TCV
- Exhibit B -to be used only with federal funded grants
- Exhibit C -to be used with National Science Foundation funded grants
- Gramm Leach Bliley addendum -to be used whenever an independent contractor is providing financial services work to the University
- Services Agreement (simple) - Use this document to cover the legal side of hiring a person or entity to provide ongoing services. You will still need to obtain a vendor contract or purchase order in order to have the person/entity paid.
- Student Internship Agreement - Use this document for student internships or other placements for credit if the University does not already have a signed Affiliation Agreement with the outside entity.
- Media, Photo & Video Release Form (Minors)
- Release & Waiver - Use this document when WMU students of members of the public participate voluntarily in University-sponsored programs or activities (such as summer camps, recreation classes, field trips). Remember: WMU's Office of Precollege Programming must be consulted if the program/activity involves minors. Contact Legal Affairs is the activity or program is REQUIRED for a class/academic credit.