Currency Conversion Crazy
Written by: Genna Gotts
Major: Fashion Design
Location: Florence, Italy
Hello all! My names Genna Gotts and I am a junior studying fashion design in Florence, Italy. Traveling can be so stressful sometimes especially when your traveling to a place with a different currency. If I’ve learned anything about traveling to Italy I’ve learned all about where the best currency conversion rates are. Being a student and all we tend to be very good at saving the most money. The number one rule that has always worked the best for me when exchanging money is the exchange as much as you can while your at the airport. Airports have the best conversion rates so you get the most bang for your buck. It is also very important not to carry too much cash on you. This can be really dangerous if your not familiar with the area. It’s best to take a large chunk of money out and then to split up your money and keep a little bit in a couple of different places. Then you can keep track of how much you have in each place by writing it down in a notebook or keeping it in your notes on your phone. If you forget to exchange money at the airport the next best option is to take money out of an ATM. The best place to do this is at an ATM attached to a bank. These are the best ones because usually the transaction fees are not that high and if for some reason your card gets stuck in the machine you can go into the bank and they can help you immediately instead of having to call the ATM company. It’s also best to take out as much money as you can because there is a conversion fee and if you take out small amount more often you will be wasting money just on the conversion fees. It would also be a good idea to google “best atm conversions fees” for wherever you are traveling too because sometimes you can find helpful information on where the best ATM’s are. It’s important to stay smart and save money while traveling! Always research the area your going to before going and you will be off to an amazing adventure!
Categories: Fashion Design, Advise, Italy