CLCRS Do Not Evaluate Form

Because Anthology Student Course Ratings System (CLCRS) receives data from Banner, all faculty members (full-time, part-time, teaching assistants, and instructors of record) and all courses with three or more enrolled students are automatically scheduled for student ratings system each semester/session.

If you are a tenure-track or tenured faculty, you are required to conduct student ratings for each one of the classes you teach at least once every year. If you choose to not conduct student ratings in one or more classes this semester/session, you must complete this form and indicate, section by section, each class in which you do not want student ratings to be conducted. If you do nothing, a default ratings form will be generated for each of your classes.  The default form contains all university, college, and department core questions that have been selected for the department in which your course resides.

Part-time instructors are not allowed to "opt out". 

Early Ending are due three days before the evaluation is scheduled to start.

DEADLINE Spring 2025: April 3, 2025

Please enter one CRN per line.

Please Note: Instructors who have course oversight, but do not have direct interaction with students (such as in sections taught by TAs) should choose to not conduct student ratings in those sections. If you are uncertain if you should conduct ratings in your course(s) this semester/session, please contact your department chair.