Funding for Assessment

The University Assessment Steering Committee, in collaboration with the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, administers the annual Assessment Mini Grant Program. These grants are offered to support assessment projects that intend to improve teaching and learning, as well as curricular and co-curricular program delivery and enhancements.

Assessment mini grants are designed to provide support for initiatives that promote and are informed by student learning and development, for the purpose of continuous improvement and success.

Through the assessment mini grant program, we intend to:

  • Help programs to build engagement and participation in assessment of student learning;
  • Build and expand the assessment toolboxes for our community;
  • Promote continuous improvement efforts for student learning and student success;
  • Promote a culture of data-informed decision-making;
  • Show the importance and priority that our leadership places on providing support for our community to participate in on-going improvement efforts.

Go here to learn more and find out how to submit a proposal.

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