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Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5253 USA
(269) 387-0399
We need your help to promote the NSSE and the FSSE!
Posted by Karen Stokes-Chapo on February 27, 2025This spring, WMU is participating in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE). The NSSE can provide us with information about the perspectives of our first-year students and seniors regarding their educational experiences both in and outside of the classroom. The FSSE can provide us with the instructors' perspectives on student engagement in different activities and the importance they place on various areas of learning and development. The results of both when combined provide us with actionable information that can be used to improve WMU programs and services. The NSSE started on February 18, and the FSSE will begin on March 11. Both will be open until the end of the spring semester. Thank you in advance for your help in promoting the NSSE with your students, and by taking the FSSE, if eligible. Let’s work together to make WMU the best it can be! For questions, karen.stokeschapo@wmich.edu.
For more information, go to https://wmich.edu/assessment/institutional/nsse.