RUN: DMC's goals include:
- Provide opportunities for RSO student leaders to interact and engage with other student leaders.
- Share a comprehensive calendar, voice any community concerns, and connect to common resources
- Provide opportunities for RSO leaders to learn about campus resources while enhancing their own leadership development.
- Encourage collaboration and advocacy across multiple student populations.
- Provide a centralized space for diverse RSO representatives to meet with campus leadership.
- Multicultural Center
- Racial Justice Advisory Committee
- Scholarships
- University Diversity Committee
- Central Office
- College Assistance Migrant Program
- Disability Services for Students
- Diversity Education
- Kalamazoo Promise
- Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, & Transgender Student Services
- Martin Luther King Jr. Student Scholars Academy
- Mentoring for Success Program
- Multicultural Affairs for Students
- Navigator Network
- Contact Us
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