Success Stories

Elise McCutchen in Sangren Hall

Elise McCutchen

Elise McCutchen: aspiring educator and CEHD Junior

What year are you, what is your major and why did you select WMU as your school of choice?

I am a sophomore with a major in Elementary Education. I have an extreme heart and passion for anything academically related. Western Michigan University was my school of choice because of how the College of Education and Human Development made me feel. Just so welcoming and accepting as a whole. When I walked on to this campus I just felt a sense of home and community like no other. Lastly the university’s size didn’t feel to big or too small for me, it’s perfect.

What activities or Registered Student Organizations (RSO's) are you engaged in on campus?

I am a Resident Assistant in Valley 1 Britton/Hadley Hall and this will be my first school year in this position on campus. It is such an exciting job and I love it! I am also a member of the Voices of Western Michigan University Gospel Choir, and being apart of that RSO has helped me grow and become better everyday. I hold my faith dear to my heart, so finding an RSO that builds me in that way is so great! Plus I genuinely love to sing and what better way to do what I love than by joining a choir.

What has contributed to your academic success?

Having a success coach to talk ideas and plan out with monthly was such a big help. Going to the Bronco Study Zone when needed saved my life (well technically saved any grade that was in jeopardy). It’s a great place to get more personal help in specific subjects. Also just having a close-friends-study-group really helped me. Doing so allowed me to have peer interaction and academic success at the same time. Those three things definitely contributed the most in order for me to succeed academically.

How has the student success team supported you in achieving your goals?

The Student Success Team changed my life and has supported me so much. More specifically my Student Success Coach, Precious Miller, has been the most helpful team member in my life. Having Miller’s support kept me going. Every month we made goals and talked about any and everything, not just academics. Having someone to check on me throughout the year periodically made such a difference. I honestly don’t know where I would be without the Student Success Team and my personal Student Success Coach.

Where do you see yourself after graduation?

I see myself with an Elementary Education degree, teaching 3rd or 4th grade (hopefully) changing and influencing lives and expressing the value of education and schooling. I want to be the light in people’s lives. I also just strive to be happy and live my best life as well. I hope to be seen as a role model and I simply just want to share my passion with others. I could go on and on with this but to keep it simple, only time can tell. Life is a ride and I love it!

What encouragement would you give to incoming Broncos?

To all incoming Broncos, take time and zoom out and see the big picture in your personal life. College is what you make it, when you expect great you will receive great! Study, study, study, and make the most out of what you have. We are all so young and still figuring stuff out together, trust me, it will be okay. Live life with purpose and on purpose. GO BRONCOS!