Reserve a conference room, breakout room or lobby

Central services support

Marketing and recruitment support

Western wellness program
Additional resources
College of Education and Human Development
- Award start-up, maintenance and expenditures expectations list
- Cell phone policy and agreement
- Community engagement form
- Dispositions Inventory
- Faculty travel funding request
- General funding
- Instructional development grant application
- Marketing and promotion release form
- Plan to Initiate New Internal or External Grant Proposal
- Pre-Award – External Funding
- Pre-Award Flowchart
- Social media guidelines
- Staff professional development funding request
- Travel, meal and entertainment procedures
- Travel request form
Western Michigan University
- Academic event approval form
- Business form list
- Class coverage sheet
- Committee appointment
- Course needs form for registrar
- Curriculum change (process and form)
- Department number change request
- Dispositions—Professional concerns conference record
- Faculty Senate forms
- Graduate faculty nomination
- General Ledger Operating Web
- Human resources forms
- Marketing project request
- Outside employment
- Payroll forms
- Physical Plant repair
- RefWorks
- Research forms
- Section schedule changes (formerly "pink sheets")
- Staples order
- Student employment eligibility
- Technology policy
- Time sheet
- Travel disbursements
To view a copy of the most recent (February 2025) CEHD Organizational Chart, click here.
At Western Michigan University’s College of Education and Human Development, our culture drives our success, which is why we have implemented a “Dress For Your Day” dress code. "Dress For Your Day" allows employees to take responsibility for the appropriate attire for the business of each workday.
For example:
- If you have an important meeting, you might wear something a bit more formal like a dress or a suit.
- If students are away or your role involves climbing under desks to run wires, jeans and a nice polo or a sweater might be the answer.
- If you are in a public facing role throughout your day, ‘business casual’ may be appropriate
- If you prefer business or business casual attire, don’t worry. You can dress up whenever you choose.
Dress for Your Day is all about appropriately showing individuality but not forgetting you represent the University. Employees are expected to wear clothes free of holes, tears and other signs of wear. Clothing with offensive or inappropriate designs or messages, or from other universities is not permitted.
As a University that values inclusion and diversity, clothing of religious or ethnic significance is considered appropriate.
The bottom-line is that we trust our team members to take responsibility for their dress and want team members to be comfortable at work. We ask that everyone use good judgment as to what represents the organization well and is in line with who we are culturally.
Educational Technology Services is the College of Education and Human Development's main IT office. They are located in room 2516 on the second floor of Sangren Hall and can be reached at (269) 387-4585, or contact Scott Centilli.
For questions, comments, ideas, mentoring, etc. please contact a member of the CEHD Staff Advisory Committee.