The College of Education and Human Development at Western Michigan University is a diverse and vibrant institution of professional education, preparing individuals annually for leadership in their fields. The college is comprised of six departments: counselor education and counseling psychology; special education and literacy studies; family and consumer sciences; human performance and health education; teaching, learning and educational studies; and educational leadership, research and technology.

Kohrman Hall

Sangren Hall

Student Recreation Center
"CEHD is the place where you go when you're excited about helping others succeed."
Von Washington Jr. (M.A.'94, educational leadership)
State Board of Education grants degree privileges to state’s normal schools and Western begins to offer four-year bachelor’s degrees.
Western forms its graduate division and in cooperation with the University of Michigan, begins its first graduate program, in teacher education.
The School of Education divides into five departments: education, librarianship, physical education for men, physical education for women, rural life and education
WMU receives a grant from the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation of the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare to establish a teacher-trainee program for mobility specialists for the blind, the only such program in the world.
The School of Education is renamed the College of Education, with James E. Griggs as its dean.
The Department of Counseling and Personnel receives accreditation from the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs, making WMU the first institution of higher learning in Michigan to be thus accredited.
The Reading Center and Clinic is remodeled and renamed the Dorothy J. McGinnis Reading Center and Clinic.
The WMU Board of Trustees approved a name change for the college to the College of Education and Human Development.
The new Sangren Hall is completed.
Mission, Vision and Goals
Embracing WMU’s goals to be learner centered, discovery driven, and globally engaged, the College of Education and Human Development is committed to:
- Developing exceptional education and human development professionals who positively impact our global society
- Advancing knowledge through teaching, scholarship, creative works, and service
- Enhancing the university and its stakeholders through transformative field experiences and collaborations
Be the premier choice for a diverse community of education and human development learners by offering a portfolio of regionally, nationally and internationally recognized programs.
The goals for the College of Education and Human Development at Western Michigan University are:
- Evaluate, integrate and focus college outreach programs.
- Enhance the environment for teaching and learning with bricks and mortar and actions and attitudes.
- Systematically study staffing and load issues to improve prospects for new personnel resources.
- Increase emphasis on graduate student recruitment and program development.
- Accelerate the infusion of technology and international and multicultural dimensions across program areas.
- Improve the coordination and integration of on and off campus programs and faculty.
- Implement comprehensive and coordinated program evaluation strategies.
- Develop new strategies and capacities for communicating the good work achieved in the college to all stake holders.