Graduate Scholarships
Click on the scholarship to expand and see additional criteria, if applicable.
Note: For department scholarships, click the links below:
- Enrolled in any curriculum in the College of Education and Human Development
- Must maintain 3.0 GPA (may have a 2.5 with faculty recommendation)
- May be renewable upon reapplication if requirements continue to be met and sufficient funding is available
- Enrolled full-time or part-time in an advanced degree program
- Preference will be given to students with active duty status in the U.S. military
- All students enrolled in a College of Education and Human Development curriculum are eligible.
- Demonstrated financial need
- High academic standing
- The Gary L. and Sandra S. Wegenke Endowment for Dissertation Completion will be selected by the dean of CEHD from candidates nominated by department chairs.
- Provide financial support toward the completion of student's studies.
- Awardee must have had a dissertation proposal accepted and has completed the literature review.
- Must be a graduate student in the department of Human Performance and Health Education in the College of Education and Human Development
- Preference going to a student from Greece. An international student will be awarded if there is no Greek student applicant.
- Must remain in good academic standing per program requirements
- All students enrolled in a College of Education and Human Development curriculum are eligible.
- Junior, senior or graduate student
- Enrolled full-time majoring in early childhood education and/or elementary education
- Preference given to non-traditional students
- Renewable up to a maximum of two consecutive years for a junior undergraduate and one consecutive year for a senior undergraduate or graduate student if requirements continue to be met and sufficient funding is available.
- Members of, or a direct descendent of a member of, the ABE WMU Sorority will receive first preference for this scholarship. Applicants are responsible for indicating membership or familial relationship on the application and providing verification if necessary.
- Must be a full-time junior, senior or graduate student
- Preference shall be given to students enrolled in the teacher education program
- Must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA
- Award is solely for WMU tuition, fees and book expenses
- May be renewable upon reapplication (two consecutive years) if requirements continue to be met and sufficient funding is available
- Must hold and maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA
- Preference given to students preparing for careers in elementary or secondary education (teacher certification programs)
- Preference will be given to students who can demonstrate financial need (including, but not limited to, deserving foreign students who are in need of financial assistance)
- Full-time student in teacher education program, the counseling education program, or the counseling psychology program
- Minimum 3.0 GPA at the time of application
- Current recipients may reapply for the scholarship the next academic year provided they have demonstrated satisfactory academic progress and sufficient funding is available. Furthermore, if the scholarship is awarded to a freshman, it shall be renewable for a maximum of three years; to a sophomore, a maximum of two years; to a junior, a maximum of one year. If it awarded to a senior or graduate student, it is not renewable.
- The Ron & Diane Reece Teacher Education Fund can be used at the discretion of the dean to support the education of future teachers. In the unlikely event that the College of Education and Human Development ceases to exist, this fund shall be used to provide scholarships to students pursuing education as a career.
- Enrolled in the elementary or secondary education curriculum which will prepare them to become school instructors of science or mathematics
- Must demonstrate financial need
For more information or help applying for the TEACH Early Childhood® Michigan visit
Eligible programs include:
- Early childhood general and special education: birth through kindergarten—M.A.
- Participate in a non-English based study abroad program
- Candidates include any WMU undergraduate or graduate student
- Students must provide proof of acceptance into a international study abroad program, processing of an application request for funding with a proposed budget, and submission of a written proposal as to how and why this foreign study experience would benefit them in their studies as well as enhance their personal career goals and options.