Professional Development

Best practices brownbags

Graduate assistants who are 1050 instructors in the Department of English at Western Michigan University are required to attend at least three best practices in the teaching of writing brownbags per academic year or term of appointment. Topics for these may include teaching with technology, teaching writing to ESL and ESD students, grading and assessment, or addressing cultural diversity in the classroom. Presenters may include current instructors and faculty at WMU, or guest speakers (pending budget approval) from other institutions. Instructors can be expected to spend two hours per brownbag attended. These brownbags will take place on Friday afternoons. Part-time instructors and faculty are welcome to attend.

Scholarly lecture series in the teaching of writing

Graduate assistants who are 1050 instructors are required to attend at least one scholarly lecture from a scholar who publishes in the teaching of writing. Part-time instructors and faculty are welcome to attend.

First-Year Writing Professional Learning Community

All 1050 instructors are invited to participate in the First-Year Writing Professional Learning Community. While not required, instructors may form writing groups (that meet on an agreed time) to discuss ideas for drafting articles, conference presentations, or other scholarship related to the teaching of writing. Instructors may also form reading groups and consult books, academic journals, and other publications in the scholarship of teaching. These materials may be checked out in our First-Year Writing Library. The director of First-Year Writing can facilitate these workshops and provide light refreshments for participants. Regular meetings will be be arranged with the assistant director of First-Year Writing to discuss plans for organizing writing groups and additional professional development opportunities related to the scholarship of teaching.