Culture of Assessment Reports

In the fall of 2018, the University Assessment Steering Committee (UASC) embarked on a project to establish an institution-wide benchmark for evidence of an assessment culture at Western Michigan University. A new template was created to collect this evidence via report submission from the academic and learner support units. This new 'culture of assessment' report asked departments/units to share their goals, learning outcomes, activities, measured progress, and to describe data-informed changes made based on assessment results. The new process and template focused on providing quantitative data to inform and measure assessment practices institutionally, the development of a four-point rubric to evaluate each submission, and methods to provide direct and personalized feedback on each report submitted. 

Members of the UASC reviewed each report and prepared feedback reports that were shared with the Provost, the Vice President for Student Affairs, Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion, the deans of the colleges, and the individual programs/units who submitted reports. Below are the overall summary reports for the university as a whole, Academic Affairs units and learner support units.

WMU Assessment Culture Report: Summer 2020

Academic Affairs Assessment Culture Report Summary

Learner Support Assessment Culture Report Summary