Academic Program Review

Academic Program Review

The Collaborative Self-Study Phase of the Academic Program Review "Year 4" cycle has been extended. Contributors have until 11:59 p.m. on May 10 to complete their information in the online system.

To date, only 55.6% of self-study reports have been started in the platform. Please note that the completion rate includes only those programs that have made some progress in the online system. Programs working on their questionnaires offline are not counted in the completion rate. The following highlights the status of the APR Year 4 as of April 30, 2024:

As illustrated in the following timeline, self-study contributors typically have access to the Program Review (formerly Compliance Assist: Program Review) platform through April 30 for completing their self-study reports. For the spring 2024 cycle, self-study contributors will maintain read/write access through May 10. On May 11, their access will revert to "read-only" allowing department chairs and school directors to complete their reviews. As chairs and directors also have read/write access to the system during the Collaborative Self-Study Phase, no extention of the Chairs' & Directors' Review Phase has been granted as yet.


Year 4 Timeline (Calendar Year 2024):

APR is conducted using Anthology’s “Program Review” platform (formerly "Compliance Assist: Program Review"). Doing so allows participants to securely access their self-study templates from any browser using their Bronco NetID, as well as providing them with up-to-the-minute information during each of the successive review cycles.


Training Information

Training guides are available to all members of the WMU Community by clicking on the appropriate buttons, below. Each guide provides graphics-saturated, step-by-step instructions for accessing those areas of the Academic Program Review system for which they have responsibility. This site will provide, in perpetuity, access to the most updated version of each guide. In addition to the training guides, below, participants are invited to arrange for large- or small-group and one-on-one training by contacting Cathe Murphy at

A copy of the Deans' Review version of the APR User Guide is available by clicking the gold button, below. This is a step-by-step pictorial walk-through guide to assist academic deans in completing the Deans' Review phase.


A copy of the Chairs' & Directors' Review version of the APR User Guide is available by clicking the gold button, below. This is a step-by-step pictorial walk-through guide to assist department chairs and school directors in completing the Chairs' & Directors' Review phase.

APR USER GUIDE: Chairs/Directors

A copy of the guide for accessing and maneuvering the "Program Review" online platform, is available by clicking the gold button below. This is a step-by-step pictorial walk-through guide for APR self-study completers.


 A copy of the guide for retrieving Cognos data files, is available by clicking the green button below. This is a step-by-step pictorial walk-through guide for APR self-study completers to accessing and retrieving their template-specific APR institutional data report(s).


If you would like to download an MS Word copy of the questions that will makeup the APR Self-Study, please click on the blue button below. As a reminder, the official self-study template will be located in Campus Labs' Compliance Assist: Program Review. If you are using the MS Word copy to respond to questions, you will need to copy/paste your responses into Compliance Assist: Program Review prior to the end of the self-study phase.

APR Self-Study Questions


Frequently Asked Questions



Prior APR

Once the initial APR five-year rotation has been completed (expected December 2025), the Office of Institutional Effectiveness publish its final report for the cycle, below.

APR Pilot Report—This report covers the redevelopment of the Academic Program Review process and spring 2020 pilot.

APR Pilot Report 2020

Academic Program Review and Planning (APR&P)—The 2014-15 fiscal-year review of all WMU academic programs is summarized in the following report. Of the 541 identified academic programs (i.e., graduate- and undergraduate-level majors, minors, concentrations, certificates and general education/service courses as a unit), 474 programs were reviewed.

APR&P Final Report 2014-15



Archived self-study, review, and final reports are available to all WMU faculty and staff. Simply click on the link below and enter your Bronco NetID. If this is your first time accessing the site, a request will be sent to the moderator, who will approve access upon receipt.

Integrated Program Review Sharepoint Gateway