Faculty-led India trip is interdisciplinary, international by design

Contact: Beth Walton Braaksma
February 17, 2025

KALAMAZOO, Mich.—When business professor Dr. Timothy Palmer travels with Western Michigan University students to India, the lessons learned are about so much more than markets, budgets and strategic plans.   

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Learn more about Sustainability, Social Justice and Education in India at WMU Study Abroad. Program listings below:
- Social Justice in India
- Sustainability in India
- Education and Human Development in India

The two-week trip, run by WMU Study Abroad in collaboration with the Haworth College of Business, the College of Education and Human Development and the College of Health and Human Services, fuses social entrepreneurship, justice and sustainable development.  

The class prioritizes experience-driven learning and an interdisciplinary approach, Palmer says. Nearly 30 graduate and undergraduate students traveled to India this December.  

Topics span from corporate responsibility to gender violence and sustainable electric systems, the professor explains. Pairing disciplines gives students a new perspective on business. “Are companies doing the right thing? Can they do more?” 

"Sustainability, Social Justice and Education in India," first envisioned by Palmer over lunch with international visitors to campus in 2012, started two years later after organizers were able to travel to the south Asian nation and see a similar program, which brought Australian students to India’s Christ University.   

“It was a phenomenal experience,” recalls Palmer, who is also the director of the Center for Sustainable Business Practices at Western. “It was so rich. The students formed great friendships, and we had wonderful conversations.”   

An interdisciplinary approach 

Ten years later, Palmer says the three-credit class has only gotten better. During December’s trip, students visited corporations and nongovernmental organizations in India. A key goal is to examine how the work of education, business and social work professionals can intersect to help meet the needs of a developing country, Palmer says.  

India is the fastest-growing free market economy in the world, and it is the world’s largest democracy, he explains.  At least 100 of the U.S. Fortune 500 companies—those ranked by Fortune magazine for highest revenue—have a presence in India.   

At the same time, India struggles with several environmental and social challenges that hamper its development goals, such as air pollution, poverty, hunger and women’s rights.

“My biggest business takeaway was seeing how passion and empathy drive success," says Hollywood Watkins, a graduate student in the School of Communications at the College of Arts and Sciences.   

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Hollywood Watkins participates in a culinary cooking class with students from Christ University. The graduate student in communications went to India with WMU Study Abroad in 2024.

“A few presentations I attended emphasized leading with empathy and focusing on improving lives rather than just making a profit. The presenters highlighted the importance of viewing business through the lens of others' experiences, identifying real needs and creating solutions that make a life-changing difference.   

“It challenged the traditional profit-driven mindset and showed me a whole new way of thinking about business. Now I view business as a force for meaningful impact on others' lives.” 

Cultural immersion 

"Sustainability, Social Justice and Education in India" also includes cultural immersion and travel, Palmer says. WMU students form friendships with Christ University students to experience Indian cultural life. They attend dances, get henna tattoos and take part in other social gatherings.

This year the students traveled to some of India’s most famous sites, venturing around the “Golden Triangle” to tour the cities of New Delhi, Jaipur and Agra. Photos of WMU students in front of the Taj Mahal flooded social media. 

Next year’s participants will visit the holy Indian city of Varanasi and meet with the parents of a graduate of WMU’s engineering college, says Palmer. The couple runs a high school for girls in India. It is one of many programs across the country addressing women’s empowerment through education. 

“We’re always mixing it up and trying new things,” Palmer says. 

Students will recall this trip and its lessons for years to come, he adds. The food, clothing, culture—it's so different that sometimes even reintegration can be challenging. It brings students out of their comfort zone to a world many have never considered. 

Life-changing experiences 

Study abroad offers an experience that no classroom can provide, says Watkins, a communications student. By immersing yourself in the unknown, you learn more about who you are and who you want to become.   

“For me, it was the first time in years I didn’t have to worry about work, food or constant planning. It felt like being a kid again, taking in a world so new and full of wonder.   

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Katherine Marshall is a graduate student in the School of Social Work. She poses for a photo with fellow students during a study abroad trip to India. 

“Beyond academics, studying abroad fosters personal growth, adaptability and a deeper understanding of different cultures, which are qualities that benefit any career,” she says. “Every student deserves the chance to step outside their routine, embrace the unfamiliar and gain a fresh perspective on both the world and themselves.” 

The most remarkable part was being immersed in the culture, says Katherine Marshall, a graduate student in the School of Social Work. 

“We were able to see businesses, schools and mental health services in a way that you would not be able to do if you were an average tourist,” she recalls.   

The trip shifted the way Marshall thinks about her future and her career. “As a social worker, there is a desire to help everyone and a tendency to focus on the people you cannot help. In India, they have a desire to help everyone and focus on those that they are helping.” 

“You need to meet people where they are and offer them services without any expectations in return.” 

About the Haenicke Institute for Global Education 

The Diether H. Haenicke Institute for Global Education, established in 1998, fosters an environment that supports the global engagement of the Western Michigan University community. Its offices assist more than 1,170 international students on campus and nearly 1,000 WMU degree-seeking students studying at partner institutions in China and Taiwan. 

The institute facilitates short- and long-term study abroad programs for students, faculty and staff. It also hosts a variety of global learning activities to encourage a more globally engaged southwest Michigan. These initiatives include designing and promoting scholarship and academic opportunities at WMU; providing outreach to area K-12 schools; hosting lectures, panels and events; and showcasing arts, entertainment and culture from around the world. 

Find more information on the Haenicke Institute's webpage.

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