Research by Students

Graduate students in the School of Public Affairs and Administration work in a variety of research topics from public administration and policy. A list of recent M.P.A. capstone portfolio completions and Ph.D. dissertation titles is provided below. Other research produced by students individually as well as in collaboration with other students and faculty is not listed here.

Recent and archived doctoral dissertation topics

Hussein N. N. Chalabi - "Developing a model to measure public sector knowledge management performance using the analytic network processing" (March 2022)

Christopher Surfus, Ph.D. - "Michigan municipal manager perceptions on LGBTQ+ inclusion: A narrative policy framework case study" (June 2021)

Ruth Bates-Hill, Ph.D. - "A study of communication practices between office and field-based personnel in home healthcare agencies" (May 2021)

Michael Mendenhall, Ph.D. - "Considerations for acquiring excess military equipment by police leaders" (May 2021)

Derik Van Baale, Ph.D. - "Ally or enemy: The impact of leadership on United States army combat veterans' deployment experiences who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan (August 2020)

Brandon Koch, Ph.D. - "Increasing odds: The impact of casino gaming size, location, and economic stream style on county revenue in Pennsylvania" (June 2020)

Burak Onur Tan, Ph.D. - "Food insecurity: A closer look at how households cope with food insecurity and how this phenomenon affects their overall health" (June 2020)

Mohammed Aljanahi, Ph.D. - "Leadership, satisfaction, commitment, and turnover intention in the UAE public sector" (December 2019)

Adel H. Aladlani, Ph.D. - "Governance and economic growth in the Arab world: Evidence from panel data analysis" (June 2019)

Li Cheng, Ph.D. - "Are we globalized? Transformative education and internationalization within NASPAA program" (April 2019)

Archived Doctoral dissertation topics

Recent M.P.A. Capstone Portfolio Completion

Note: Transitioned from an analytically-focused project papers into a reflective capstone portfolio

Fall 2023

Bradley, Kara-Capstone Portfolio in Nonprofit Leadership and Administration.

Ford, Kevin-Capstone Portfolio in Public Management.

Ngnigone Obiang, Eddie Charlie-Capstone Portfolio in Human Resources Administration.

Schafer, Laura-Capstone Portfolio in Nonprofit Leadership and Administration.


Glasser, Chris-Capstone Portfolio in Public Management.

Johnston, Angel-Capstone Portfolio in Nonprofit Leadership and Administration.

Spring 2023

Bradley, Kara-Capstone Portfolio in Human Resources Administration.

Campbell, William-Capstone Portfolio in Public Policy.

Gardner, Janai-Capstone Portfolio in Health Care Administration.

Hernandez Rovelo, Kathy-Capstone Portfolio in Nonprofit Leadership and Administration.

Pena Cabreja, Daniela-Capstone Portfolio in Nonprofit Leadership and Administration

Rossiter, Thomas-Capstone Portfolio in Joint Degree

Xuereb, Randi-Capstone Portfolio in Health Care Administration.



Archived project paper list