Programs, Organizations, and Initiatives
To facilitate the integration and infusion of sustainability across research and teaching, the Office for Sustainability has compiled the following selected digital resources list. If you come across a great digital resource in your research, please let us know so we can add it to the list.
Academic programs in sustainability
Proquest database of educational institutions offering sustainability degree programs worldwide
Examples of campus sustainability programs
Arizona State University (Institute)
Portland State University Institute for Sustainable Solutions
The University of Michigan (Institute)
Examples of sustainability programs and initiatives
Northern Arizona University Ponderosa Project
Support organizations
Presidents' Climate Commitment
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education
Campus Environmental Resources Center
National Wildlife Federation Campus Ecology
University Leaders for a Sustainable Future
National campus sustainability ratings and rankings
Sustainable Endowments Institute College Sustainability Report Card (suspended)
Princeton Review Green Colleges
Sierra Club America's Coolest Schools
Sustainability Tracking Assessment and Rating System
How do we fund "sustainability" efforts?
External (academics and research)
Michigan State University Environmental Science and Policy Program Funding Opportunity Compilation
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Science Foundation (list of projects, funding details, and deadlines)
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Internal (operations)
Billion Dollar Green Challenge
Green Revolving Funds on Campus
Presidents' Climate Commitment
The Office for Sustainability is reviewing research and funding opportunities in order to recommend or compile a research and funding strategy guide. Our goal is to provide information useful for sustainability efforts in the curriculum, research, operations, and outreach beyond the campus community.
Where can I get regular news updates?
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education
Who writes about the campus / higher ed. sustainability movement?
Reference the StART Annotated Bibliography for books and journals or refer to materials provided during StART Initiative Luncheons. Visit the StART main page or contact the Office for Sustainability for more details.