Alternatives to the Professional Readiness Exam

In June 2014, Western Michigan University Office of Teacher and Administration Certification learned that the Michigan Department of Education will accept ACT or Michigan Merit Exam subscores in lieu of passing the related subtest(s) on the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification Professional Readiness Cxam. Passing score equivalencies are listed below.

ACT scoresMME equivalencies
Reading 22 Reading 1108
Mathematics 22 Mathematics 1116
English and writing 24 Writing 1129

A combination of Professional Readiness Exam, ACT, and MME scores may be used to meet the requirement. SAT scores cannot currently be used.

Please contact the College of Education and Human Development advising office or make an appointment with an advisor if you think you are eligible to use ACT or MME subscores in lieu of PRE subtests for admission to the upper professional level.  Specific documentation will be required.